I’m relatively new to Bodybuilding, compared to many of you. I’ve been through the phase when I knew, I knew nothing…then a phase when though I knew it all…Finally now, the more I learn, the less I seem to know. (this will make perfect sense to some of you…the rest are likely still in phase two)
The trainer at my gym suggested I step back and first learn how my body works, then I will better understand for myself if all the advice and articles i’m reading are based on merit or bullshit. I think he makes good sense. I haven’t taken the time to study how my body breaks down nutrients, how they are storied, how they are used and what my body does with them. Can anyone recommend a good book on the subject? Please keep in mind that I’m a simple person…I’m lookin for the “Understanding your body for Dummies” version. (I’m exagerating a bit but you get the idea) Thank-you in advance.