Ok, I’ve been helping my girlfriend workout for quite some time now. I got her to quit starving herself, and got her diet cleaned up a lot. I got her to believe that she doesn’t have to do 2 hours of cardio a day, and now she does all of her lifting with me. We do classes at the gym(boxing, high-intensity training, etc.) three times a week, and lift three days a week(three exercises per bodypart, 3 x 10 or 3 x 8 on each). She’s really getting fucking strong, and packing on some lbm. Unfortunately, her ass and thighs just won’t let go of their insulation. She’s about to quit, and I don’t know what to do here. I don’t want her to start thermogenics, because they really wire her. She’s afraid of taking anything…I mean even like asprin…but if I tell her it’s ok, she’ll take it. What do you guys/girls think? Am I doing something wrong in my training for her? Should I give her one of my bottles of T2 to give her a boost through this point? She’s been stuck at the same weight for quite a while and is really getting discouraged. Thanks for any input!
(by the way, I’ve been using Androsol/Tribex, MD6, and T2…I’m staying roughly at the same weight…but holy shit the fat’s coming off…I love it, but that’s making the situation with her a lot worse)