I’ve been training at elite level in martial arts… Muay Thai, boxing and MMA. I lived in Thailand for 6 months and trained like a thai, a normal day:
10km Run
15 - 20 Minutes Skipping
100 Kicks each Leg (Heavybag)
100 Teeps each Leg (Heavybag)
300 Knees Total (Heavybag)
5x3-5 Minutes Pads
5x5 Minutes Heavybag
Some kind of drills, technique or shadowboxning for about 30 minutes
Clinch 30 Minutes
100-150 Push Ups
150 Sit-ups
30-50 Pull Ups
Some barbell exercises (thai style)
Overhead Press
Explosive Punching
3 Sets x 10 Reps
3, 5 or 6km Run
15 - 20 Minutes Skipping
100 Kicks each Leg (Heavybag)
100 Teeps each Leg (Heavybag)
300 Knees Total (Heavybag)
5x3-5 Minutes Pads
5x5 Minutes Heavybag
Sparring 30 minutes
Clinch 30 Minutes
100-150 Push Ups
150 Sit-ups
30-50 Pull Ups
Some barbell exercises (thai style)
Overhead Press
Explosive Punching
3 Sets x 10 Reps
And usally some more on both morning and afternoon sessions…
This is very extreme training but your body gets used to it after a few months and some motivation (money usally for the thais)
Recently I found a great boxing coach and started training boxing in another country but not long after I had a serious concussion (I’m not posting to get any medical help about my head)
this was my 4th concussion in just one year…
I decided to stop competing becuase of my head trauma and it was getting worse each time…
But now I found a new LOVE strength training!
My question is :
How do I structure a good training program for strength? My main goal is strength and then second goal is size.
I’m used to extreme training and i’m also an extreme person that cannot listen very well to my body unless it’s obvious i’m in danger for getting hurt.
I want a program were I train a lot becuase i’m used to it and it also helps me getting over some depression I got after I’m not fighting anymore.
My currently program looks like this (I’m just worried it might be too much for my body over time, I’ve been following this for 7 or 8 weeks now and seen good progess so far).
Monday – Chest, Back & ABS
Barbell Flat Bench Press 6 Sets
Barbell Incline Bench Press 4 Sets
Dumbbell Decline Bench Press 3 Sets
Weighted Dip 3 Sets
Deadlift 4 Sets
Barbell Row 3 Sets
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 Sets
Weighted Pull Up 50 Reps
Lat Pulldown 3 Sets
Farmer’s Carry 3 Sets
Hanging Leg Raise 2 Sets
Weighted Sit Up 2 Sets
Dumbbell Side Bend 2 Sets
Tuesday – Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Forearms & ABS
Standing Barbell Military Press 6 Sets
Clean & Press 4 Sets
Upright Row 3 Sets
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 Sets
Dumbbell Front Raise 3 Sets
Close-Grip Bench Press 4 Sets
EZ-Bar Curl 4 Sets
Weighted Dip 4 Sets
Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 Sets
French Press 4 Sets
Weighted Chin Up 50 Reps
Wrist Curl 4 Sets
Reverse Wrist Curl 4 Sets
Weighted V-Up 2 Sets
Machine Crunch 2 Sets
Plank 2 Sets
Wednesday – Legs, Calves & ABS
Squat 5 Sets
Straight-Leg Deadlift 5 Sets
Barbell Walking Lunge 3 Sets
Leg Press 3 Sets
Leg Extension 5 Sets
Leg Curl 5 Sets
Seated Calf Raises 5 Sets
Standing Calf Raises 5 Sets
Leg Press Calf Press 5 Sets
Kneeling Cable Crunch 5 Sets
Thursday – Chest, Back & ABS
Barbell Flat Bench Press 3 Sets
Dumbbell Flat Bench Press 3 Sets
Barbell Incline Bench Press 2 Sets
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 2 Sets
Cable Fly 3 Sets
Dumbbell Pullover 3 Sets
Power Clean 4 Sets
Barbell Row 3 Sets
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 Sets
Weighted Pull Up 50 Reps
Close-Grip Pulldown 3 Sets
Farmer’s Carry 3 Sets
Hanging Leg Raise 2 Sets
Weighted Sit Up 2 Sets
Dumbbell Side Bend 2 Sets
Tuesday – Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Forearms & ABS
Standing Barbell Behind-The-Neck Military Press 6 Sets
Seated Dumbbell Military Press 4 Sets
Upright Row 3 Sets
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 Sets
Reverse Pec-Dec 3 Sets
Close-Grip Bench Press 4 Sets
Close Grip EZ-Bar Curl 4 Sets
Cable Tricep Pushdown 4 Sets
Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl 4 Sets
French Press 4 Sets
Weighted Chin Up 50 Reps
Wrist Curl 4 Sets
Reverse Wrist Curl 4 Sets
Weighted V-Up 2 Sets
Machine Crunch 2 Sets
Plank 2 Sets
Wednesday – Legs, Calves & ABS
Squat 5 Sets
Straight-Leg Deadlift 5 Sets
Barbell Walking Lunge 3 Sets
Leg Press 3 Sets
Leg Extension 5 Sets
Leg Curl 5 Sets
Seated Calf Raises 5 Sets
Standing Calf Raises 5 Sets
Leg Press Calf Press 5 Sets
Kneeling Cable Crunch 5 Sets
Sorry for my English as it isn’t my first language.