Need Some Expert Advice

I am a 30 year old male 6ft 195 lbs. I am just finishing a 10 week cycle of test cyp 400mg pw and deca 300mg pw. I am about to start my pct of hcg and clomid. My question is, how soon can I start another cylce. I have read tons on here and know that you are supposed to take 8 to 10 weeks off for your body to start producing naturally again.

The problem is I love being on it. I dont know if I have low levels of test or I have just screwed my body up by taking test when I was in college with no pct but being back on it again after 12 years felt great. I had a awesome sex drive that I havent felt in years. I felt like a man again. I am dreading going back off! Would it be really stupid to only take a few weeks off and start back on?

Do I really need to take a full 8 weeks. Can I take small doses per week in between? Sorry for all the questions, but I know you guys will have the answers without having to get the family doc involved. My next cycle is going to be sustanon 750 mg pw with eq 200 mg pw. Thanks for the help guys.

Well some people might tell you to do the test taper which essentially would keep you on it for weeks to come, however I usually take about a month off after a cycle, some people say time on = time off however this is just for me and I have not run into any problems

Wow thats great advie, thank you guys. I am not worried about fertility much myself. My wife is 5 months pregnant now and that will be plenty. lol. Anyway I appreciate the advice I am really leaning toward staying on at 200mg pw myself. I just hope it does not have any long term side effects on my heart or cause a stroke or some BS.

Sounds like a plan. Thanks

I would suggest you take the time off,do a solid pct. Also about your next cycle,200mgs EQ a week is a waste of gear. You need at least 400,I use 600 a week for cycles of 20 weeks. Eq is a mild compound and usually takes 6-8 weeks to kick in. Hope this helps.

it does thank you.

I know I should do the pct and I have already purchased it all and have it ready to go. I am just not ready for the sexual crash. I like being superhuman and so does the wife. I guess the main problem is she is in her second trimester of pregnancy and that is when they are horny all the time, and I am coming off the cylce. Guess it was just bad timing. lol. anyway thanks for all the help guys.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I’m not suggesting that you do it, but personally, although I’m ‘only’ 33, I have put myself on TRT for life.

By lowest weekly amount is 200mg, but I also cycle on top of that from time to time.[/quote]

Bushy, just curious, isn’t that a little high to be considered TRT? I thought the typical range was something like 70-110mg/wk. Not sure where I got that, though, lol.

[quote]Oh, and if you can avoid it, don’t do sustanon. It’s a backward step IMO.

Sure, we have people who say they did a good cycle. “I put on mass and not too much water”, etc, etc. However I can’t help but think that they would hav had even better results if they had just used a single ester test product.


Why don’t you like sust? I’ve seen others say they don’t like it, but I’ve never gotten a decent response except ‘my body doesn’t react well to it,’ or something like that.

Thanks in advance.

I’ll reply from past discussions, both with my own opinion and what I would assume Bushy’s opinion is. I have been prescribed TRT by my doc at 100mg/wk, but I choose to do 200mg/wk because I feel a ton better. Perhaps it’s because I have more muscle now than when I started TRT, I’ve speculated that 200mg helps me maintain my muscle mass and energy better due to my heavier weight, but I really don’t know.

Either way, I feel better at 200mg than 100mg, but over 200mg and I don’t feel any more quality of life increases as far as TRT goes.

Sust is a multi-ester testosteron, so keeping blood levels stable (and maximizing gains) is harder to do. Most people don’t inject sust often enough, and if they were going inject that often they might as well just use straight propionate.

[quote]Whoa! wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
I’m not suggesting that you do it, but personally, although I’m ‘only’ 33, I have put myself on TRT for life.

By lowest weekly amount is 200mg, but I also cycle on top of that from time to time.

Bushy, just curious, isn’t that a little high to be considered TRT? I thought the typical range was something like 70-110mg/wk. Not sure where I got that, though, lol.

Oh, and if you can avoid it, don’t do sustanon. It’s a backward step IMO.

Sure, we have people who say they did a good cycle. “I put on mass and not too much water”, etc, etc. However I can’t help but think that they would hav had even better results if they had just used a single ester test product.


Why don’t you like sust? I’ve seen others say they don’t like it, but I’ve never gotten a decent response except ‘my body doesn’t react well to it,’ or something like that.

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

hi im 21 and have been training for 2 years.i want to do a cycle with deca and sustanon,can someone help me with how much and often to take it.

Thanks schwarz and bushy. I guess my question now would be, what would be the benefits of just using prop over sust? Obviously you could come off quicker, but would the gains be better, or the side effects be less? Would it just feel different? Thanks.