Need Overall Help

wait your only 16? you look like your in college.

Haha, yeah I get that often.

Quick questions if anyone knows.

1)Does Green Tea help when burning calories?
2)When do I drink it? Before, during or after?
3)Can I have it cold?

Also, is it possible to lose 20% Body fat in 3 months?

Thanks for the input.

Ok, you’re getting really good advice from Cloth, Phill, and Modi. I hope you take it.

This is my two cents–first, post workout (PWO) is the perfect time for liquid carbs and protein. Keep your diet clean, but if you have an absolutely crushing mental need for a cheat meal, do it right after you work out (hopefully hard). It won’t hurt your progress as much then because your body just got beaten up with squats, deadlifts, etc. and wants to repair itself.

As you’ve been told, too much weight training can lead to burn out. If you want to workout at home for a 2nd time in the day, or on weekends, then use this extra time to do your biceps, abs, and beach body stuff.

Use your main workouts at school or wherever to focus on the big lifts that amp up metabolism and muscle–squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, overhead presses, bench, chins, dips, bent-over rows.

Maybe throw in some isolation work for biceps and abs afterwords, but use almost all the time for the big movements–you’ll be surprised what concentrating on the big stuff will do.

You’ve heard it other places, but it applies to body transformation as well–“don’t major in the minor stuff” Get the fundamentals right, get the good habits right, get the technique right, get the big stuff right first. They’ll be responsible for the vast majority of your transformation anyway.

Also, pay attention to balance in your training–this is important for health and preventing injuries/imbalances. Also important for rugby performance. What I mean by balance is this–for every horizontal push exercise you do (bench press, etc), do a horizontal pull motion (bent-over row, etc).

Try to match hand position between the two (palms down push, palms down pull, etc) but more important than your hands is actually doing the exercise in the first place.

Remember this–the “show” muscles are in the front, the “go” muscles in the back. Look at it this way–the biggest muscles of your upper body? on your back. The muscles repsonsible for squatting the most and deadlifting the most? on the backside (low back, glutes, hamstrings). The muscles responsible for agility and running speed? You guessed it, on the backside.

The biggest metabolic boost comes from training the biggest muscle groups hardest–this is the reason for sticking to big, hard, compound movements, and the reason you should train your backside just as hard, if not harder, than your “mirror muscles”.

Don’t fall prey to “mirror training” syndrome.

[quote]Kieso wrote:
Haha, yeah I get that often.

Quick questions if anyone knows.

1)Does Green Tea help when burning calories?
2)When do I drink it? Before, during or after?
3)Can I have it cold?

Also, is it possible to lose 20% Body fat in 3 months?

Thanks for the input.[/quote]

  1. Yes, a little. But it’s more important as an antioxidant

  2. whenever. A little caffeine boost for the workout is always good. I wouldn’t drink it during though, but that’s just me.

  3. sure. As long as it’s not an excuse to have a sugary version of the real thing.

Last, you’ll never know until you try will you? What’s better, to drop 5-10% bodyfat but still not be all the way there, or to give up because you can’t make your entire goal in 3 months? I choose option A any day of the week.

Oh, and do some calorie calculations for us, would you? Take a piece of paper or something, write down what you eat in a day, then find an online calorie counter and do the math. Then post that here. I think you may be surprised at what people tell you.

First off, you might not be lean, but I’d be shocked if you’re 30-34% bodyfat, I’d say your in the low 20’s.

In terms of a nutrition program, I’d go with Dr. Berardi’s 10 Habits.

Also, check out Joe DeFranco’s Westside For Skinny Bastards 2.

Good luck man.


Thanks for all the input. Heres a not final copy of my schedule of what to eat.

Water with all meals

Breakfast- Oatmeal cereal


Pre-Workout- 1 piece of fruit


Post-Workout- Protein supplement


Snack- Soya Beans (Handful)

Lunch- Deli Sandwich

CARDIO [With weight loss/metabolism supplement]

Snack- Soya Beans (Handful)


Snack- Soya Beans (Handful)


Snack- Soya Beans (Handful)


Snack- 1 Piece of fruit

CARDIO [With weight loss/metabolism supplement]

Dinner- Not known, small portions

I know its not very specific, but is a rough idea. And I will try my hardest, this is something I really want to archive.

Sorry for the double post, but I will count the calories for everything and see whats what.

ps. Ive heard low carbs helps lose weight, is that true?

What are soya beans? Soy beans maybe?

There are a few articles on here that will maybe convince you to reconsider that food choice.

You dont look like youre eating much at all…I wouldnt classify a handful of beans as a meal.

[quote]fightingtiger wrote:
What are soya beans? Soy beans maybe?

There are a few articles on here that will maybe convince you to reconsider that food choice.

You dont look like youre eating much at all…I wouldnt classify a handful of beans as a meal. [/quote]

One in the same but the whole bean from time to time like edimame aint going to kill you. Id steer way clear of the isolates etc and wouldnt make any of it a staple ie. daily.

Like you say I would not consider it a whole meal or even snack Id have it along side a real protien source at the least maybe a shake or tall glass of milk


Yeah…the reason I pointed it out is because it seems like hes eating them 4 or 5 times a day. Several of those constitute “meals” in his diet.

I also think the calories are wayy too low, even for weight loss.

How many calories are you eating per day, and how much are you getting of each of the macronutrients? (fat, protein, carbs)

Ok, I dont have the energy to do more cardio after school. But everything else is going well. I need something other then those soya beans. Can anyone tell me something cheap and good protein wise to have?

You likely dont have the energy to do more cardio because youre only eating 1600 or so calories a day.

Its not that you need to change the beans…its just that its not smart to consider a handful of beans a “meal”.

[quote]Kieso wrote:
Ok, I dont have the energy to do more cardio after school. But everything else is going well. I need something other then those soya beans. Can anyone tell me something cheap and good protein wise to have?[/quote]


Eggs and oats for breakfast

1 handful of nuts for snack

lean protein and veggies for lunch (skip the sandwich)

1 protein shake post workout with high GI carb

lean meat and veggies for dinner

if you need a pre bed snack try cottage cheese.

Read what everyone has written and apply it.

Ok, in about 2-3 months since ive started ive lost about 10 pounds. Ive build more muscle and got more protien. Its going good. Replaced those soy nuts with almonds, 2x a day. and ill be making my deli sandwish into a tuna wrap (made at home) I also now how 1-2 pieces of chicken/fish every night.