Need input guys re: dip stands/stations

Hi guys,

I will buy a dip stand soon for dipping exercises. However, i am not sure which to buy.
Can you give me some help what to look for in a dip station? I don’t need the chin combo because i have a door gym and bowflex that allows me to do pulldown and chin ups at home.

Here in Canada, sucks big time!!! I can’t find any single dealer that sells dip stands alone. It always comes in combo with either chins or knee raise which increases the price.
So, i have to buy it from the states from these websites.

Mainly i want to use it for triceps. However, if i can do it for chest as well. It's awesome. I know that when you dip, you will train both but i heard from guys at the gym that you can put yourself on the stand (i don't know how) and when you do it, it will force the triceps to do most the work and NOT chest. The reason is that i train chest with bench press and i do not want to overtrain.

So, give me some inputs as to what i should look for to buy one.

Thank’s all

Buy a dip bar that has the “V” structure instead of the parallel bars. Also, the more one keeps their torso upright and perpendicular to the ground, the more the exercise will recruit into the tricpes and not the chest.

So do you use your bowflex for other exercises as well? Seems most people feel the bowflex is not much good for bodybuilding. Its what I use and I also use a door chinning device as well. How have your results been?

Hi aikidoka,

Well, Bowflex itself for bodybuilding is not enough. I have a bench as well.
It’s for more toning for older people i guess.

However, the lat pulldown is very useful. I can’t pull up my bodyweight right now, so i do pulldown on bowflex.
Once i can do all the rods on it, i guess i will be able to do complete chins.

Right now, i do the door gym supported by a book underneath.

What about yourself?

V shaped dip bars a la Vince Gironda are the most versatile- face in to do pecs (elbows out/ chin on chest) / face out for tris- head up, hands closer, back arched . .
Larry Scott sells them at the biophase site or simply talk to a welder . .get thicker handles if possible- easier on wrists . .

Good luck from a fellow Canuck :wink:

Hi Jon,

Well i havent been able to maintain a consistent exercise routine lately due to changes in my life. New job then a new apt and other stressful events. I did manage to do the GVT 2000 with the bowflex and chin bar and definitely had DOMS with some size gains. Problem was I still havent got my diet in shape - shame on me and with the breaks in working out just when I have gains that doesnt help. Im at about 181 and 14% bf at 6’-0" right now. Im going to try cutting fat and then go for bulking and see what happens.

Some day when I have time I will go to a gym with a spotter and compare free weights to what I do on the bowflex. Should be interesting - maybe depressing. I do know that the rods start at 60% resistance and then go to 100% per a sales rep at the company.

Ironmind has some bad ass dip bars.

Body Solid has a good set-up dip-only station that’s fairly inexpensive. What I did, however, was make my own from standard plub=mbing fixtures. Good points – can be customized for fit and angle, stable, and there’s the pride factor that YOU made it. Down side – it’s really not that much less expensive. I used 1-1/4" uprights, 1-1/2" handles, a single cross brace in the back with two T-fittings, flares for the floor, and 90-degree elbows. Bolting this to a piece of plywood makes the whole thing very stable. I also remember an article from the No-Needles site that showed how to make a similar add-on for a bench. Hope that helps.