Basically I am focusing my training on fat loss. I got one lift that focuses on a few reps at near maximal load (to maintain strength) followed by two or three exercises that are done with short rest periods to support fatloss and metabolic conditioning.
Sundays line Up was:
2A) Atlas Stone
2B) Axle Clean and Press
3) 10 minutes of bike sprints (20 seconds on 40 seconds off)
The squat involves working up to a 5RM over a period of 4 weeks. This is strength maintenance.
2A and 2B are super sets done for 3 reps (to keep the load reasonable) with 60 seconds rest/set. This coming week I have to do 5 sets.
Now Today I have to do:
Undecided. Taking suggestions.
Friday I have to do OH Press and Bench for strength. I was thinking of only doing the yoke for short rest periods on that day.
For some reason this question is really bugging me…
A good circuit for fat loss on a bench or OH press day is:
Bench press or OH Press (pick one) x 2-3 @ 75-85% 1RM
5 Burpee’s
10 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute)
At the top of the minute do your pressing then 5 burpee’s then rest until it’s time to go again. If it’s to heavy lower the weight and if it’s to light add more.
[quote]JSRRR wrote:
A good circuit for fat loss on a bench or OH press day is:
Bench press or OH Press (pick one) x 2-3 @ 75-85% 1RM
5 Burpee’s
10 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute)
At the top of the minute do your pressing then 5 burpee’s then rest until it’s time to go again. If it’s to heavy lower the weight and if it’s to light add more.[/quote]
EMOM (every minute on the minute) is a murderer. Outside of that if I’m looking for good medley/circuit training I look at contests. There’s always some nutty shit in those, like the circus DB/one arm deadlift from nationals.