First, a bit of background information:
1.5 years ago i discovered tmuscle and started lifting shortly after. At this point i was a 154 pound 5 foot 11 inch 16 year old @ 12% BF. This was just as i started at a boarding school gymnasium (Danish equivalent of senior high school/college). Here i ate, drank, slept and trained and went to school.
Well, now its 1.5 years later and i weigh in at 190 pounds. I have been pretty consistently happy with my strength and size-gains so far, but my planned over-eating have now taken me to approximately 17 % BF.
Therefore, i have now decided to cut down to about 10 % BF, before trying to gain any more weight. I am hoping this will result in better insulin sensitivity and a greater appreciation of the muscle i have already built.
In my boarding school diet (which admittedly is not optimal, but hey, thats life) i will try to eliminate refined carbs and excess fat as much as possible.
I train a body part split 6 times a week, and will shortly begin kickboxing 2 times a week, while doing HIIT one time a week.
To keep muscle-mass while cutting, and to speed things up a little, i am going to ADD the following supplements to my diet:
NO HOLDS N-O + Lemonade
BCAA 500mg Capsules (200 caps)
L-Glutamine Powder
Creatine Monohydrate Powder lb
Yohimbine HCL 2.5mg Capsules (100 caps)
Caffeine tablets 200 mg
100% gold standard whey protein
(And multivitamin and fish oil)
My idea was as follows:
Upon Waking, 45 minutes before breakfast: 200 mg caffeine, 10 mg yohimbine hcl, 5 g BCAA
Then later in the day, 30 minutes pre-workout: One serving No hold N-O, 5 g creatine, 10 g l-glutamine, 5 g BCAA
Post-workout: 2 scoops of gold standard whey, 10 g glutamine
Is this regimen advisable, or would i be better off using the supplements in another way(I am especially lost on the BCAA) , or possibly adding something else?
Remember, this is just what i am going to ADD to my regular supplement use of protein powders, fish oil, multivitamins, green tea.