Need Help With My Knee, T-Bros

After I did my usual Friday workout (lately), consisting of front squats, among other things, I didn’t do much physically the rest of the day. Later, though, I jogged a little to get somewhere (Fri. rush hour), and my knee felt kinda funky. Lately, I’ve been having this weird knee pain where when I squat, I’ll stretch it and bend down, and it’s usually fine.

Well, I tried it this time, and it shot a strange sensation down the inside of my knee. In other words, didn’t help. So I went home and iced the bastard and elevated it.

My question’s this: Shit–this freaked me out. The inside of my knee feels like a numb pain, and it just came on all of a sudden. Ok, yeah, if it doesn’t get better, I’ll go get it checked (thankfully it happened on Fri.). Anyone ever have a dull pain down the inside of he knee? I think maybe mct, but I didn’t really do anything to jar it. I know, I know, go to the doc, but shit, when it just happens, kinda makes you realize how fragile the human body really is…

T-bros… thats a new one.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
T-bros… thats a new one.[/quote]

I think I’ve heard it before.

I can’t give you any specific, injury-related advice about your knee. Then again, you don’t even know if you have a specific injury yet. So I’ll just post my general advice for strong and healthy knees. 4 Tips:

  1. Stretching. Stretch hams and quads regularly. Be careful with the latter. Make sure your foot and lower leg are orientated towards your body during hyperflexion (as in a quad stretch), never away from it.

  2. Training #1. Address both the anterior and posterior chain. For the anterior chain, look no further than parallel-grip DL’s/squats (see below).

  3. Training #2. Do “bottoms up” as well as “bottoms down” training. In other words, do leg exercises that begin with your legs fully extended as well as those those that have you start out in a fully squatted position. Many people neglect the latter, which in my opinion is a grave mistake. I have to add that the front deadlift is not a leg exercise. The parallel grip deadlift is. Start doing them and watch your power and knee stability grow. They’re better than front squats for developing leg drive. Step-ups are your other option. You can also mimic this on traditional “bottoms down” lifts such as squats and lunges by pausing long enough at the bottom to mitigate the stretch reflex.

  4. Nutrition. Animal Fats, EFA’s, Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM. The latter are 3 popular and effective joint supplements which are often packaged together. Get on them. Take fish oil and eat saturated animal fats. They will raise your test. levels and reduce joint and tendon inflammation.

Although this site can probably be considered totally worthless, it may satisfy your curiousity. Of course, even if it gives you the correct diagnosis you still need a doc and probably postural improvement.