Been kinda reading this forum a bit lately. Used to lift. Was fairly strong and did fairly well.
Quit lifting 5 years ago. Just turned 40.
Had some health crap pop up recently, decided I should not have quit. So starting back.
Had blood work done. Here’s results:
Total T- 247 (says 241-827 norm)
Free T- 8.4 (says 6.8-21.5 norm)
Total Cholest- 112 (says 100-199 norm)
HDL - 30 (says 40-59 norm)
LDL - 71 (says 0-99 norm)
Trigly- 53 (says 0-149 norm)
So…besides raising my HDL…
The doc comments was that Test was low, but didn’t offer to help out. (Just received a letter with the results, have not talked to him directly yet).
Should I start with supplements or just go to the prescribed stuff if he’ll help me out?
I know this question is probably asked a dozen or so times, but its always good to here someone comment on your specific situation.
(The T levels were probably a “bit” low b/c I’ve been ill and just had some tooth surgery/extraction. Had not been working out when the blood was taken, so that wouldn’t have affected it either. Any other info I’m leaving out?)
Thanks in advance,
Oh yeah- have been working out consistently for two weeks now. I’ll not give up lifting again. That was a stupid move.