Need Help, Low T

Been kinda reading this forum a bit lately. Used to lift. Was fairly strong and did fairly well.
Quit lifting 5 years ago. Just turned 40.
Had some health crap pop up recently, decided I should not have quit. So starting back.
Had blood work done. Here’s results:
Total T- 247 (says 241-827 norm)
Free T- 8.4 (says 6.8-21.5 norm)
Total Cholest- 112 (says 100-199 norm)
HDL - 30 (says 40-59 norm)
LDL - 71 (says 0-99 norm)
Trigly- 53 (says 0-149 norm)

So…besides raising my HDL…
The doc comments was that Test was low, but didn’t offer to help out. (Just received a letter with the results, have not talked to him directly yet).
Should I start with supplements or just go to the prescribed stuff if he’ll help me out?

I know this question is probably asked a dozen or so times, but its always good to here someone comment on your specific situation.

(The T levels were probably a “bit” low b/c I’ve been ill and just had some tooth surgery/extraction. Had not been working out when the blood was taken, so that wouldn’t have affected it either. Any other info I’m leaving out?)

Thanks in advance,

Oh yeah- have been working out consistently for two weeks now. I’ll not give up lifting again. That was a stupid move.

Testosterone levels can fluctuate up and down for many reasons, even something as simple as everyday stress can make it plummet downwards. It sounds like you already know that, just thought I would reaffirm it.

In my opinion, I would try some of Biotest’s testosterone boosters before I started testosterone replacement therapy. If that doesn’t work you can always start injections.