Need help finding the right 5/3/1 program

I’m 18, male, and 195 lbs. Been in the gym about 2-3 years consistently now after being called fat and weak a few too many times. I’ve been kinda winging it and not really sticking to one kind of program or progression, but just kind of getting in the gym and pushing weight as hard as I can while trying to keeping it manageable. I’m currently working out four days a week, and it looks something like this. Day 1:bench and ohp
Day 2: zercher squat with weighted dips(slingshot) and chin ups
Day 3:overhead/bench
Day 4: RDLs with body weight dips/pullups
I do abs every morning and foam roll my legs and back mainly, and i plan to keep doing so as it never interferes with my training, and I feel it helps me wake up. My lifts aren’t super heavy. My bench max is 180x10, zercher squat 245x2, ohp is 135x1, and rdl is 275x5. I’ve never tried to really max out since it messes up the consistency I get with sticking to reps. After reading a lot about 5/3/1, I’ve decided it fits well with how I view my training and how the program is laid out looks very similar to how I already run. I want to keep the dips and chin ups/pullups, and I prefer zercher squats over any other variation but I would not mind trying something different. Just looking for some advice on how to progress.



I always recommend this one because it’s a complete program. Easy peasy.


That’s a hell of a lot of work, but I’m down. I might modify the main lifts, but other than that I’ll run the program 100% down to the diet. stay tuned because I will make a review

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Looks like he’s in good hands if he’s taking @ChickenLittle 's suggestion. I always liked that program. The prowler/sled work for lower body assistance is a touch of genius.


May as well start a training log so we can follow along.


On it, Boss

In for the follow. Good luck dude


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appreciate it man, best of luck to you as well

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I’m currently running Triumvirate with my BJJ training. Looking forward to seeing how you do. I’ve got a log on here as well if you want to check out out.


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Looking at it now, I used to wrestle in high school, now I dabble in muay thai in my free time. My coach was kinda ignorant to the strength training side of things, so the team was often weaker than they should have been and heavy on the bro science. I don’t think I’m going to get into wrestling or bjj again for at least a month or two, but combining lifting with a sport (in my humble opinion) is the way to go

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Great job sticking with it, n0teburner! 5/3/1 will definitely help you level up. Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for Beginners is a good starting point. You can easily sub zercher squats for regular squats and keep the dips/pullups you love. If you’re looking to strengthen your relationship along with your physical fitness, consider adding couples therapy to your routine.

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My high school wrestling coach considered himself analytical, so he went and found what the top dudes at each weight class cleaned and benched. Then he would load that max on the bar and tell us to do it… sometimes we even kinda did. Then we were always beat up and all the bad things that come with it. We were actually pretty good across the board, though; I suppose despite that.

No moral to the story; just kind of amusing.


the strength training he had us do was begging for injury, we would max out on bench, squat, and cleans at least once a week on top of 5 days a week of all three lifts. its a miracle I got as far as I did without having any bad joint issues