Hello all I don’t want to waste your time with story of my life cr*p so I would try to make it as quick and simple as possible.I am 22y/o at 210lbs and 6 ’ . I’ve been lifting the past 9years , but some bad choices from a year ago made me loose my gains :D. Currently my training plan is like this:
Super sets 10x3 , 2 movements (like hang power clean/miltary press, and so on) 5 days a week, including 10-15 minutes of runing, concept 2 or some conditioning every now and then. I want to get leaner and maintain the strenght if possible, so 531 is the one I choose.
My plan is to go like this
-Press + BBB (bench press)
-Some asistance (light press behind neck or abs)
-Deadlift + assistance (I’ve found that after DL pullups are best) 5x10ish maybe
-Conditioning - 5x500m Concept + some BB complex or some other cardio
Thu: -rest day
-Bench+BBB (press, incline, weighted chins , battleropes)
-Power cleans 5x3
-zercher squat (I will talk about that later)
-conditioning+ arms
Sun:- rest
My stats are
Bench- 130kgs x2
Deadlift 170kgs
Press- 85kgs x2 (maybe 90s on a good day)
Power clean 105kgs
Squat- I haven’t been squatting recently bc my legs tend to be bigger than usual so I want to emphasize them as little as possible but at any given moment I can backsquat 110kgs. And also the zercher squat can benefit my DL
Also I can pullup bw+30kgs run 5k under 30min and don’t use any equipment (straps belts stuff like that)
So what do you think is it any good or nah?
Not to mention a few other small matters that raise a few flags:
You can squat just over your bodyweight - which you say like it’s some kind of big deal - in the same sentence as referring to your legs being bigger than usual. These are not generally seen in the same individual.
Not very much to show for nine years’ worth of work when you weigh over 200 lbs. You would also think after nine years of training you would have some idea of how to train.
Although [quote=“fatrat, post:1, topic:230026”]
I am 22y
So you started training at age 11?
So, yes, lots of things here not making a ton of sense to me. By all means go ahead and give what you threw together a shot but out of respect for Jim don’t call it 5/3/1 and then complain that 5/3/1 doesn’t work.
Just so I can be not a a complete dick to you, here’s my advice: read the article I linked below. Do what it says. Enjoy the results.
Can’t argue with that It is my first time reading about 531.
Not to mention a few other small matters that raise a few flags:
You can squat just over your bodyweight - which you say like it’s some kind of big deal - in the same sentence as referring to your legs being bigger than usual. These are not generally seen in the same individual. [/quote]
No . I am saying it bc beginers can’t even squat bodyweight. As for the second part- yes when 3 years of your life you squat 4-5 times a week, you get something that is big in volume.
Says the man benching like a 8th grader.
When the past year and a half you have been off the gym and in the jail you will change you mind
22-9 equals 13, but bigger squat is importanter to bigger brains
I am not blaming anyone for my failiures except me.
And also thank you for the link. I will check it and try to give it a go
I’m curious about this as well. I love zerchers, but how do they benefit your deadlift more than say a front or back squat? Also, you plan on doing BBB with pull ups after DL, but that isn’t how it is ran at all. Just do pull ups in between all your pressing sets throughout the week. Another thing to note, you really have no basis on the eighth grader comment. I’m pretty positive based on your posts that your form is probably fucked (more of a bounce instead of a touch and go bench) and you almost bench what you deadlift on top of already benching more than you squat. Hell, you almost overhead press what you squat. Just read the program, run it as is for a couple of cycles and move from there. Hope hat helps.
Just from what I’ve experienced over the last 6 weeks, I can confirm, at least for me, that the Zercher holds and Zercher split squats have helped my DL a lot. Like nothing else I’ve tried before, when done with maximal loads, the core contraction is absolutely insane. My core has never been stronger. Also, I feel like it has helped train my core to duplicate that hard of a contraction during my heavy pulls. I also do front squats exclusively, so I cannot say the what the difference between the 2 is. But I do know that I’ve been doing front squats for a while, and only since adding the Zerchers have I seen such a good improvement. Just my 2 cents