Need Help - Fat Loss and Strength

Ok, I’ve been continuing with Destroying Fat program. Question I have is as follows.

On the heavy days, on bench/row I supose I could stick with using Barbell for bench A1 and then do DB’s for flys and two row exercises. I only have one BB set. But, on the other heavy day I want to do A1 Front Squat A2 OH DB Squat, then B1 Deadlift and B2 DB Good Morning. As you can see, doing A1 then A2 then B1 then B2 does not work here because after A2 you’d need to unload the BB from the rack then set it on the floor for DL, and once you’re done with B2 then you’d need to unload the BB and put it on the rack and load again. Doing all this 5 times would be a workout by itself. That’s why I have to resolve to using DB’s.

Does anyone think that possibly doing A1/A2 all 5 sets first, and then B1/B2 5 sets could be a substitute here ? I did this today and all seemed good, but don’t want to get to far away from the program as written.

Hmm, I guess myabe I should be using a log instead of asking these questions here.

Anyway, let me try for the last time. Today I finished the second week of Destroying Fat. First week was really just getting to learn what exercises to do with what weight. And I only started dieting on January 4th. So, it’s been only few days but today’s workout being the Circuit A/B I was barely able to finish, while the three other times I seemed to have handled it better.

Today, before I even was able to finish with steady cardio I had to run to the bathroom and let go of whatever I had in my tummy…and felt pretty weak after that, still did 15 min carido though…I also noticed in the last two days I seem to be more sensitive to cold temperature. I always argue with my wife with the house being too warm, but last two days it’s me who seem to be a bit cold…

I never did any real dieting so maybe this is normal. I seem to be eating enough - but I do feel hungry few times a day though.

Yesterday’s food log looks like I had around 2,100 calories - more than a goal, but I was relly hungry so I am still tweaking this. My ratio was about 170g protein, 180g carbs, 100g fat. So, it seems I had enough carbs, likely more than I should have, not sure if me getting weaker here so quickly is a sign of either something working or maybe not working as supposed to…

Anyone has any opinon on this ?