What have you all noticed is the best food to carb up with?
Do a search for the “strut Yo Stuff” thread.
Grains products like oatmeal and whole grain bread do the job.
Also, any and all fruits and vegetables are also good increasing the amount of carbs you take in.
Take all the carb foods you can find, find their nutritional value then record the food and its NV in a food log.
This way, you can be able to manipulate the foods you eat while still keeping the same level.
And make sure to eat as much protein or maybe more than you have in carbs.
Go to the FAQ under "foods that make you look good nekid"and you’ll find a lot of good carbing resources.
“carb up” for what? A contest, periodic overfeeding, glycogen replenishment?
Need a little more info as to exactly what your goal behind doing this is to be able to answer your question.
joel- carbing for a show
For a show? Beauty. Get more specific with your questions and I’ll try and offer some assistance.
Carbing for a show? When is your show, and how low is your bf?
No matter, look up the “Strut 'Yo Stuff” thread, and listen to EVERY WORD that Thunder has to say to you about this.
Thanks for the props Kong.
Speaking of which, I STILL haven’t replied to your post contest email. Man, I’m really sorry. I’ll send you one tonight. I want to confirm your thoughts on the observations you made.
Thunder…what I’m looking for is the best food to achieve max glycogen storage with. I am 204 @ 8% right now. 11 weeks out. I cycle my carbs right now, doing a carb load 2 times a week. Right now I take 30g carbs a day for 3 days at the end of the 3rd day I load as many as I can get. Then 30g/day for 4 days with a load at the end of the 4th day. In the past I have just increased the grams of carbs the last week until the day of the show. I feel that I am not as full as I would like to be. Let me know if you need more info…thanks for your patience!
PS- thunder meaning thunder bay?