Alright, I’ve hit, yet again, another road block. I’m 19, I have a weekend job, and I’m a full-time student. I don’t do much fitness-wise so I go to the gym 4 days a week. I have attempted to track my macros, but I live with my family, so I don’t have much choice over what we eat. Despite this, I’ve been advised to just track protein and caloric intake from the users in this forum, and it has been going fine so far, except for the fact that I may be draining my wallet.
You see, I buy a bit extra groceries for myself so I could add extra shit to my stupid bulking plan. I added bananas, bread, milk, eggs. This is for calories. For protein, I use whey. Lots of it, apparently. I consume 7 scoops a day, and people are telling me that 1-3 should be enough for whey and anything over is excessive and bad. I thought it was fine, because it fit my macros, and it’s easy access. I realized how expensive whey is when I went for my 3 scoops for the night and I found that it was almost empty. Should I look for other sources of protein that’s cheap, healthy, but most of all, easy access, or should I continue on with what I’m doing.
7 scoops whey protein
3 cups milk
2 bananas
3 eggs
2 Tbsp peanut butter
3 bread slices
1 protein Bar
4 tbsp chia seeds
dinner (chicken, rice, beans, pasta, etc.)