I’ve been working out for years, and never experimented with steroids. I’ve also never tried any Biotest products or prohormones. Lately it appears like I will have a few months free to train without distractions, and (finally) enough money to afford a cycle of Mag-10, along with whatever other (legal) aids I might need. However, I need some help designing a plan.
My #1 goal is fat loss followed closely by size and strength gains (big surprise, eh). I am simply too fat at something like 20% bodyfat and 240 pounds (5'11"). I have never EVER had a six-pack, after some 20 years of training...pathetic! However, I have been using the Poliquin diet for the past 3 weeks with great results. (I must have no tolerance for starches whatsoever... potatoes make me fat! Fibrous greens are rocking my world! Also, the fish oil seems to keep me sane, even though my carbs are at the 100 gram mark. Previous attempts at low carbs without fish oil had me getting flu symptoms, and very tweaky.)
ANYWAY…I was wondering if I should continue to get leaner first, before going on Mag-10, or should I go on Mag-10 first, knowing that I should be “eating big” to gain mass? I vaguely recall a thread about dropping fat while on Mag-10, but I couldn’t find it. Here’s what I was thinking:
5 or 6 weeks on Methoxy-7 and Poliquin diet, first.
10 weeks on Mag-10 and Myostatin, eating big.
4 or more weeks on Tribex and M, Poliquin diet. Possibly indefinitely…
Comments? Suggestions? I need a little coaching here. Again, this will be my first-ever experience with any pro-hormones, and I would like to make the most of it, as well as hang on to my gains. But I want to get cut as well. What’s the best way to approach this? Should any of these supplements overlap?