I should have added this- for the EDT set up 2-3 of the assistance exercises and perform them in a timed circuit and try to beat your total reps in a certain time- 6-8 minutes
Use defranco’s wsb4sb. It’s easy to understand and it works for putting on strength and size. You don’t have to be an athlete for it to work.
Here’s the link, http://www.defrancostraining.com/articles/articles.htm
This my modified template
Monday ME
A1 BB Bench Press 10 3
B. Inc BB bench press 2 max
C1 T-bar rows 4 8-12
C2 Delt flyes 4 8-12
D. DB shrugs 3 8-15
E. Hammer curls 4 10
Tuesday DE
A DB/BB jumps 8 3
B Bulg split squat 3 10
B1 Romanian deadlift 3 12
B2 Sit-ups
C1 Calf Raises 3 12
C2 Russian Twists
30 minutes bycicle to go home
Thursday Repetition Upper Body
A Incline DB bench 4 15(max)
B1 Chin-ups 4 12
B2 Rear delt flyes 4 12
C DB military press 4 8-12
D1 Barbell curls 3 8-10
D2 DB tri ext 3 10-15
E Captains of Crush gripper 3 max
Friday ME Lower Body
A. Box squat 10 3-5
B Step-up 3 6-12
C Romanian deadlifts 3 8-12
D. Ground-based, high-rep abdominal circuit �??
So I do boxing(englush) 2 days by week :
Looking alot better. Looks like you went with the DeFranco’s Westside template. Just remember to switch up your max effort lifts every 3-4 weeks. So you would do Box Squats for four weeks and then switch over to deadlifts for another couple of weeks. This will help also help your gains. Good luck!
I actually think that following a ME and DE protocol for the core lifts and then using EDT for assistance wouldn’t be a bad concept at all, especially with the high volume of lat and rowing work usually recommended in Westside.
[quote]weib wrote:
You have to take into consideration recovery and CNS fatigue.
More so with CNS fatigue, because when that goes down, everything follows with it.
I did try 4 day lifts, EDT + body split.
week 3 i was burnt out.
Took about 1 week and half just to recover.
And my peaks for both were very much average…
I believe we always tend to forget, we’re mere mortals and miss the point that we need to recover.
Good post. I was going to say the same thing about the pure volume of the workout when trying to combine a Westside-type split with EDT. For some, it will work. For others, it will cause burnout after a few weeks.
Even the OP’s revised template is a bit high on volume (for me). I can’t peform the ME, RE or DE (lower body) exercises and then perform 4 sets of all the accessory and supplemental movements. It’s just too much for me. I can use 2-3 sets and be fine.
I don’t think it sounds that bad. I even think it would be neat to try including the max effort lift in the rotation. I do all my workouts in a rotating fashion.
It would be a little bit like CT’s Beat Building program, where you do as many singles as you can in 30 minutes, or whatever the protocol was.