You should dose test E at least once weekly do to the half-life, this every 2-3 week dosing needs to come to an end because it’s just ridiculous when one considers the half-life of 5-6 days for test E and 7-8 days for cypionate.
If your doctor isn’t willing to optimize treatment, that’s not good. You need an open minded doctor that isn’t fixed in his ways, he needs to be willing to learn new things.
Some doctors aren’t willing to deviate from dosing recommendations provided for by the drug company, the recommendations are part of the problem.
You could show your doctor the study provided, maybe he will listen,
In fact, the present study confirmed serum levels of T which were lower than pre-ART value levels on day 14 after administration. Therefore the further decrease in serum T levels on day 14 after administration is considered to relapse of hypogonadal symptoms and to reduce the patients quality of life.
Wow just wow your doctor. Every 2 weeks… Is he really an endocrinologist ? Try to find a seasoned doctor that knows endocrinology. Generally, you want to microdose the testosterone cypionate or ethanantate every 2-5 days. It’s better to self inject, just do a subcutaneous injection every 2 days, intramuscular hits you faster, but subcutaneous will make it last longer. When you inject the Testosterone, your test levels will go up rapidly , then it will plunge , so it’s best to keep the distance between the peak and the troughs ( lowest point) as short as possible to reduce side effects.