Hello all.
I am starting TRT with a shot of Nebido. After years of feeling like shit I am of course anxious to get better. Would shooting with Test E or Sustanon for the first 2-5 weeks be a bad idea? To get things going more quickly?
Also, have any of you used more Test on top of Nebido for a cycle and then back to just Nebido.
You need to stick with whatever ester you chose and stick with it, or results will be short lived. You will probably end up worse off if you start stacking Test E or Sustanon on top of Nebido.
A lack of patience is a ticket to failure in the TRT world, seen it a dozen times. You make improvements in TRT by staying consistent in your TRT protocol.
Hormones aren’t fast acting like drugs, hormones need to repair damaged tissue so there is no shortcut. So there is no way to speed up the healing process.
I am starting TRT with a shot of Nebido. After years of feeling like shit I am of course anxious to get better. Would shooting with Test E or Sustanon for the first 2-5 weeks be a bad idea? To get things going more quickly?
TRT is a marathon, not a race. Its for life. Better to stick to the plan and let it happen imo. See where you are, how you feel after 6-8 weeks and make adjustments.
I had my first injection of Nebido today so my mind is a little more at ease.
I did not give you guys any back story so here goes. I am 40yo. Around four years ago I started to feel the symtoms of low T. Since then my GP has had me on antidepressants. I have completed CBT therapy. I have done CrossFit, weight lifting, cycling, hiking. I have taken all vitamins known to man. I even quit my job and went back to school because I thought maybe I was a burn out in it. I have lost 40 pounds, gained 40pounds. Slept little and a lot. I have tried a lot of shit to feel better.
All this I have done completely exhausted, with no passion and no joy. To top it all off my libido has gone, all gone.
At the start of this week I was desperate and angry. I went to see one more GP here in town and finally there was a doctor who looked at my blood results and said right away, you need to try TRT.
So this was the mindset in witch I came on this forum. I wanted to get better and I wanted it NOW! I apologise for that.
I am sticking to your advice and giving this treatment a good chance.
Other T is available to me on the black market but I do not wish to go down that path.
Again thank you for your solid advice and I promise to behave here in the future.
And sorry for double posting, I did not see the pending approval on my first post.
GP’s, endocrinologist and urologist won’t be much help in their knowledge, sure they’re good a writing prescriptions, but that’s about it. Everyone here spent years located a knowledge TRT specialists and some have educated themselves and guide their own protocol with cooperating doctors.
Private specialists are the prefered route and best chance locating someone who truly specializes in hormones, Balance My Hormones is in Dorset, a telemedicine clinic.
Ethanate or Sustanon is a better choice over nebido, nebido has very slow esters and few men feel optimal on it do to metabolizing testosterone faster. Nebido can take a long time to reach stable levels while Ethanate or Sustanon only takes 6 weeks for levels to stabilize.