nautilus rotary torso

My stomach looks like a narrow strip of diminutive abs with nothing on the sides. At least I have a six pack just from naturallly not having fat there, but I’d really like to get some obliques.

Is the nautilus rotary torso any good for this? I’ve tried it and not felt like it was doing much for me despite all the work I’m doing while on the machine. My results with other obliques exercises haven’t really been any better though. What should I do?

2ms seeing your probably new and yes those dreadful rotory torso machine is supposedly design for your obliques but there are a lot more execrise that are better for the obliques. One them is called cable twist. and if you notice this website does provide a search engine to the right that you find a lot more exercise for your obliques.

In Health,

Silas C.

Check out woodchops and saxon sidebends maybe side deadlifts too.

Side Bends. Heavy ones. I use about 75-100% of my bodyweight (200lbs.) depending on the rep range. I’d really work on bringing those up.

Check out CTs “Abs for athletes and babehounds” article in the archives…