Anytime one increases testosterone there is the follow on effect of raising estrogen.
This happens whether you inject exogenous test, HcG, take Clomid or Tamoxifin, take Alpha Male (for those who respond to this)…anything that raises your hormone levels.
To me, this “scare” is another “proof” that D-aspartic acid works for some as an effective T-booster. When you play with manipulation of hormones via pharmaceutical means or “natural supplement” means (I am one to look at either as exogenous intake), you have to understand that there is a cascading hormonal downstream effect. In this case, increased T always results in increasd E depending on YOUR body’s physiological make up (if you have higher aromatase than another, of course you’re going to have more T to E conversion).
A little arimidex in every man’s arsenal goes a long long way to helping with this.
Lifted this from a thread on T boosters, would this suggest the way to go increasing T is to take aromatast inhibtors not t boosters
the way to get increased testosterone consistently without any estrogen side effects is to take an anti aromatase with your t-boosters, aka stacking. taking DAA without any estrogen or prolactin inhibitors is playing with fire IME.
going as far as arimidex is a little iffy for just DAA.
[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
the way to get increased testosterone consistently without any estrogen side effects is to take an anti aromatase with your t-boosters, aka stacking. taking DAA without any estrogen or prolactin inhibitors is playing with fire IME.
going as far as arimidex is a little iffy for just DAA.[/quote]
Thanks for the reply, unfortunatly i have no idea what someof those acronyms are/ are we still talking legal natural supps here?
regards iain
Just realised ive been a tit disregard the above, whats your view on button mushrooms as anti aromase
[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
taking DAA without any estrogen or prolactin inhibitors is playing with fire IME.
Why do you think so? I haven’t seen any research on humans to prove this. I remember reading something about DAA raising estrogens in male ducks but not in male pigs. And the only human study didn’t measure estrogen. Either way, I don’t think DAA has the ability to raise free T enough to warrant use of some kind of pct.