Napping! ;)

I know we should be getting 8 hours of sleep a night. Which…should be possible very shortly. :wink:

However I was wondering how many people take the odd nap or two a day? Sometimes just 5 mins here or there can be so great. I guess because I have a desk job and looking at a computer all day makes me sleepy. Time to get into the porn bussiness. Ho-hum. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh yeah. Nap, nap, nap, that’s me!

I work one week 1st shift and 1 week 2nd. I only can muster maybe 5 hours sleep when I’m first shift. So, as soon as I get home, I collapse … er … take a nap.

I’ll tell you what…after a leg day, I go right home and plop on my bed and take about a 45-60 minute POWER nap and it is the best gosh darn thing you can do. Ahhhhhhh, I love naps.

I try to get in a nap a day. I average anywhere from 6-6.5 hrs of sleep per day, since I get to work pretty early and train/prepare food pretty late. I usually try to get 30 min. in the early evening and a 30 min. nap during lunch.

i don’t sleep very much at night myself, so a quick 20-30 min zonk when I get home usually gets me a little ‘up’ for the weights. I try to pop some ephedrine before I nap so it kicks in when I’m heading off the the gym.

Like I tell my daughter (she is 13 and knows everything now). Four things for health: 1.Healthy food 2.Challenging, consistent exercise 3.Good friends and family. 4.As much sleep as you can get!

Im with you Tony G. I take a power nap once in a while. It sounds so darn good when you call it a “power” nap.

Hey, will that work with other things? I am going to go out and have a “power” beer. No guess not.

Nope, don’t think the term “power” applies to beer, although I think Patricia might disagree…;O)

I think it was Coach Waterbury who suggested that taking a nap after training is probably the BEST thing you can do. Helps to recover the CNS. Its leg day #1 today and I can’t wait for that nap.