Hey guys. Im on NPP right now just started it up. Want to gain twenty more pounds and my diet is in check. Im trying to see a bigger difference than with just test. I am also running the test at 600 mg per week and the NPP at 300mg per week. Should i increase the dosage and to how much and in a nutshell how will that be different than 300mg, like what can I expect from like 450mg vs. 300
Okay obviously NPP is the same hormone, nandrolone, as deca but with a much quicker ester attached. With other hormones like test enanthate vs test prop or tren enanthate vs tren ace we see less mgs of the shorter esters doing the same work as larger amounts of the long esters. That is because the mg concentration weight includes the ester weight. In other words 100 mgs of test enanthate has 69 mgs of raw test in it once you calculate ester weight. 100 mgs of test prop has 80 mgs of raw test in it once you calculate the ester weight.
Now with the nandrolones the calculated weight of raw nandrolone in 100 mgs of each deca vs npp is 64mgs for deca and 67mgs for npp so basically no real difference even though they have drastically different half lives. It’s counterintuitive. But with this information we know that dosing amounts per week of npp and deac is basically the same, somewhere around 2 mgs per pound is usually the starting point.
With either npp or deca I would always advise being cautious because some guys just react to nandrolone. We tend to see most issues associated with deca, my theory is it has to do with that extra long half life and the long lingering mgs that get released for weeks and months after we stop. What I am getting at is you could maybe increase the dosage a little bit but with your current doses of it and test you definitely have what you need to make serious gains if everything else is in order.
I also advise caution with a goal of 20 pounds. You can definitely eat and eat and eat and make that scale move but it’s dirty weight if you are eating shit or not watching you water retention. So eat clean, drink lots and lots of water to keep your body flushed and sweat! Like sweat a lot. That way even if you don’t make the 20 pound the pounds you do get will be clean quality mass and that is always the way to go in my book. Really who wants giant arms sticking out of a barrel shaped body if you are not trying to be a strongman competitor? Get some mass, loose some fat and gain some nice definition to show that new mass and you will be happy. (Even if you don’t make the 20 pounds.)
And I really don’t think you upping the dose to 450mgs is going to get you a significant amount of extra weight. I don’t know if this is your first time with NPP but if it is then expect this to be your bodies best response per mg ever. In other words the next time you try NPP your body is sort of use to it so the same dose doesn’t get as many pounds.
I didnt see anything about an Aromatase Inhibitor. I hope you have some way to handle the estrogen if you react to it because you are basically almost at 1 Gram a week of wet compounds. Something seems to happen when we get over 750mgs, I just see some many guys not need anything at 600 then they go to 750 and BAM estrogen is coming out their ears.
Increasing gear dosage doesn’t neccarily determine gains. Your diet and training does.
Ya i forgot to include that im on 12.5mg aromasin eod
Absolutely this. Eat right and you’ll gain what you gain. Focus more on how it changes your physique months after the cycle is over and you see what was actual muscle vs water, glycogen, and fat.
Thanks for all the great advice. My buddy also said that I should just leave it at 300 mg a week. I guess this is stronger of a compound than i had imagined it to be. I haven’t done anything but test and var before so this is kinda new to me. I will be patient and wait it out and see how it works before I think about increasing the dosage.
Just an update. I started the NPP, and so far my hunger is throught the roof. Havent really given it much time to see a difference. But I kinda like what it is doing to my appetite. Will send out another update in a month or so.
Just my personal experience, but 600mg NPP absolutely results in a twenty pound weight gain in an 8-week timeframe. That’s just for me. I went from 223 to 245 not even eating in a surplus. Nandrolone really is that good for sheer mass, combined with test obviously. Probably the best thing you can inject to build muscle. That being said, you may look like shit doing it due to water retention, hence why I can’t say it’s one of my favorite drugs.
What about 400 mg for a first time
Guys the response is individual. Are you 140lb on a large frame with lots of mass to fill? Sure… maybe. Are you already at your genetic limit looming to push past? Not likely. Gains are very individual.
Okay ya I’m at 188lbs 6’1” 31 years old around 10% body fat but not sure. I have very little fat. I have been on the test for 2 1/2 months and decided to throw in the NPP to finish off the last three months. This is a longer cycle. Never done AAS just test before. So this experience is very new to me. Been on the NPP for one week now and haven’t seen anything yet. How long did it take for you?
I’ve never used NPP just Deca. I would imagine you should start ramping up soon. Give it 2-3 weeks.
i am interested to hear from someone who has used the NPP at this dosage. How long till you noticed anything. I know i should just be patient but i still want to know what to look foward to.
Day 7 I thought I saw something changing in the mirror, by day 10 i was sure. It works fast.
Ya I’m at day 6 so i guess next week then.
Still really havent seen much of a change yet but i would assume this takes a little bit of time to fully kick in?
It shouldn’t take that long. I gained around 15lbs in around 8 days, I was coming from a very big caloric deficit however.
I’m on day 9 but the testosterone I have been on for three months. I know longer cycles are not advisable but this is a one time thing for me then in October I will start PCT. I guess I could be patient but how long was it till you REALLY saw gains. Like 8 days for me I’m probably not going to gain 15lbs but what about two months in?
By 2 months in, you should have gained everything you were going to gain off the NPP and should be coming off.
So it must work pretty fast would anyone recommend increasing the dosage this early in the cycle or should i wait till like week 4