Myspacebarbroke's Log

2xLaps around the gymnasium
2x20 Leg Swings
5x30m Sprints

-I thought I had my stop watch with me but when I got to the gymnasium and looked for it it was nowhere to be found. Oh well. 4 childrens multivitamins (dont judge me, youd eat em too if you had vitamins that where gummy bears!!) 2 bowls of cereal for breakfast.

20:00 Jump Rope
-Right after a 3 hour lab, man I was hungry. I’m going to go take some protein and cook a stir fry with chicken…mmmm…chicken.

10 High Pulls
10 Hang Cleans
10 Overhead Presses
10 Back Squats
10 Lunges per leg
10 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
10 Burpees
x3 Rounds (1:00 rest)

-Used only 70lbs and still had to put the bar down during the overhead presses in the third round. In case you havent noticed the start is pretty rough on the shoulders and builds up some good lactic acid, it burns during the squats and lunges bad I think because theyre stretched out and theres nowhere for the acid to go. I’m not sure what I’ll have for supper…I think I’ll just have whatever my woman’ll cook me.

EDIT: I just figured I’d mention this program is just to get me ripped to shreds again as I’ve fallen off the bandwagon the last 6 months with a strong 2 years before that and 3 years before that. After I get back to where I was just a few months ago (8% or less bodyfat) I’ll either be boxing again (since my cardio will be back and I can go to a tourny if I wanted) or “bodybuild” a bit and even out my physique a bit (when I say bodybuild I mean add muscle but make damn sure its as usefull as possible).

5 Dumbell Snatches Per Arm 50lbs
5 Dumbell Swings Per Arm 50lbs
10 Burpees
x4 Rounds (1:00 Rest)
-Heart Rate after the final round was 192ish, my time was 10:27. I was bloated from the pizza I had for “Lunch” (breakfast) and the supper before that so it was pretty bad. My hip flexors, adductors, hamstrings, and glutes are all kinda sore (hip flexors mostly). I was supposed to do 5 rounds but I was so bloated I think I was going to lose some of that pizza I ate earlier if I continued. I’m going for a long walk soon and I’ll be doing the following later.

3x5 Standing Rollout Partials
3x20 Knee Ups
3x20 Standing Band Twists Per Side
-The twists will be done with a strong band. I used to be able to do a few full standing rollouts but I’ll take my time and work back into them.

Tabata Burpees
Tabata Dumbell High Knees/Sprint in place
-My roommate joined in but only worked during the rest portions since he hasn’t exercised for a long time.

3x5 Standing Rollout Partials
3x20 Knee Ups

Looking good, will be watching.

^^^Thanks man, where in alberta are you?

5x1:00 Rowing Machine Intervals (1:00 90%, 1:00 60%)
10x:30 Rowing Machine Intervals (:30 100%, :30 60%)
10x:15 Rowing Machine Intervals (:15 100%, :60%)
5:00 Cool down on treadmill at 3.2 mph
-All the intervals and the cool down where done back to back without rest. This was fasted too, I just couldnt get out of bed soon enough for class, curse the man who invented the snooze button.

I didn’t do anything yesterday because it was sprints day and I had a health test lined up for today and I needed to be able to do a verticle jump test today.

Health Test in the lab
-Tested tricep pushups, partial curl ups, back extensions, sit and reach, grip and verticle jump. I got in the highest ranking in everything except the sit and reach and back extension (it wasn’t set up right, I could have gotten to excellet pretty easily but I didnt want to push it too hard and not be able to train tomorrow) which was in the fair category, I knew my flexibility wasnt the best anyhow.

5:00 warm up 10:00 mile pace treadmill

1:00 treadmill intervals at 6:00 mile pace
1:00 treadmill intervals at 10:00 mile pace