Flappinit's Log: Home Gym Edition

Last log had some good stuff, but it ended rather cluttered, jumping around too much, a couple long hiatus’, etc.

Wanted to start a new log, especially given my recent venture into total abstinence from alcohol. Just looking to get my conditioning back, keep strengthening my shoulder as it makes its way back to 100% (bad dislocation and torn labrum January 2023 for anyone who missed it), and the fact that I stopped my commercial gym membership.

Current inventory of equipment:

Heavy bag
Dip/Pullup rings
Battle ropes
25# & 50# KB’s
Barbell with 300# of weight
Adjustable DB
Jump rope
Squat wedge
Assault bike
Push-up handles

No formal progression plan as of yet, just making myself sweat and working hard. Want to continue logging food too.


Workout Today:

10 suitcase deads with 50# KB, left arm
30 sec battle ropes
10 suitcase deads with 50# KB, right arm
30 sec battle ropes
10 C&P with 95# BB
1 min jump rope
5 dead hang ring pullups (hands rotating from OH to UH)
1 min flutter kicks
10 squats
30 one-handed 25# KB swings (switching hands each 5 reps)
12 pushups on push-up bars
Sprint to my shed and back

X5 rounds

Took a while, plus a 4 foot rat snake crawled into my yard after the 4th round and I had to stop my dog from trying to eat it, grabbed it and chucked it over the fence. Was very close to calling it quits after that but finished the 5th round thanks to some Reel Big Fish blaring on my speakers.

Post workout:
3 eggs and some melted swiss with some of my roast beef that I chucked in the pan for a couple seconds:

on a sandwich with some Killer Dave’s rye bread:

Virginia spring is awesome (if you’re not deathly allergic to pollen) but the summers just show up one day and beat you into the ground. 90 degrees isn’t awful as far as temperatures I’ve experienced, but after weeks of 60s-70s it’s a shock to the system. Still, workout was good, feeling strong and beginning to put the shoulder apprehension behind me.


Rest of the food yesterday:

Shake with:
2 scoops protein (60g)
1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt
2 tbsp PBfit
1/2 banana
1 cup 1% milk

Dinner was a keto wrap with the roast beef, lite mayo, lettuce, tomato, banana peppers.

“Dessert” was a bowl of plain yogurt with PB fit and some honey.

Have a bunch of painting to do today, but deciding on whether I hit 200 burpees or make another circuit based around one armed DB clean and press with my big ol’ dumbbell handle that I haven’t used much.


Kids wanted to go to the playground, so I had to call an audible. Packed everything up, took them to the playground, did 100 slow and controlled burpees. Surprisingly, really barely broke a sweat in the heat. Did 30 slow pullups on the monkey bars, then had to stop by Lowe’s for some paint.

Post workout:

Big bowl of chili (ground turkey, black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, onion, spices), bit of shredded cheddar on top, 3 eggs on top of that.

Instant pot arrives soon. Had a knockoff pressure cooker that I used to use but my wife decided to cut up some beef stew with a knife…while it was still in the non-stick inner pot. SHREDDED the inside of it and turned it into a cancer bowl. This new one is stainless steel and is a name brand instapot but I still had a “don’t give us all cancer” talk with her because I also have a new set of really nice teflon frying pans and I am terrified to let her use them.


I am definitely in for this. Cant wait to see what torturous conditioning sessions you come up with. Bring on the sweat and pain.

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Another 100 burpees at work.

Set a decent pace just to see what my baseline is right now - came in at 17 minutes, so not great, but going to have to temper expectations given the shoulder.

Finished with a 2 scoop protein / 1 scoop PB fit / half cup plain yogurt / banana / water shake.

Still 0 alcohol, still feeling great. Sleep beginning to improve too. Would like to be up at 5 am to get some exercise in too, going forward.

Want to do some more traditional lifting stuff after work, will throw something together. Have to paint more too.


Nothing but good vibrations in here. Quality

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Good to have you posting again.

What’s work looking like for you these days? I know last time we talked there was some decision making happening and you felt good about the choice you made.

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Yeah, it was a decision between going into business with friends or getting a sales position with a previous company I’ve been at. Thus far was a great decision. Happy, work life balance is great, stress is low, I make my own travel plans, I can bring my dog into work and I have my own office.

Things can always change but right now I’m very content. Thanks for asking.

How are you doing? How’s the kid? How’s life?


Forgot I had the kid’s first swim team meet, so I had 40 minutes when I got home to change and throw something together.

Legs elevated pushups on handles (deep stretch) to failure
Ring pullups to failure
Farmers carry with two 45’s to the end of my yard and back
X6 rounds

Lowered rings to do inverted rows with legs on a folding chair - to failure
Diamond pushups to failure
Battle ropes at 100% until I give up
X5 rounds

Really didn’t stop working, body started pouring sweat at the end and showed up to the swim meet looking like the only wet person before anyone got in the pool.


That just sounds absolutely fantastic.

I’m excited for that incoming instant pot, and love seeing how you get to yes no matter the situation.

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You put me on to PB fit, and then more specifically yogurt and PB fit, and while it always did its job, it was missing something. I tried adding a bit more salt one time, thinking regular PB was a bit saltier, but it wasn’t that. Tried a little squirt of honey the other day and it was marvelous.

The only modification I’d make is the timing - I really don’t eat much sugar so I’d rather have it as a pre-workout snack. I’d get a lot of mileage out of the honey.

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Yesterday for dinner I used a bit of honey as well actually in the new instant pot, honey garlic soy sauce chicken. Made the rice in the instant pot too, super easy.

Had some after my workout, bit less rice, and 2 eggs on top:

Sriracha on both, of course.

Back to taping & painting.

After flooring and drywall dominating the past month, painting is almost fun.



100 burpees in 15:15 at lunch

15 KB swings with 50#
2 pullups
35 swings
5 pullups
X5 rounds

30s battle ropes @100%
10 pushups on 15# dbs alternating one arm rows each pushup
X5 rounds

Getting it in where I can.



100 burpees in 14:58

Shake with one scoop protein, plain nonfat yogurt, half banana, PB fit.

Have more honey garlic chicken at home (a bit) but also have salmon, which I can always eat.

Wondering what to do for a workout too.


K, settled on a lower body workout:

Gonna do 1 min jump rope, 25 squats on the wedge, 20 jumping lunges, and 15 jumping squats, for 5 rounds.

Had the yogurt / PB fit / squirt of honey bowl as a preworkout.

Salmon will be dinner, and then using the instant pot to make beef and broccoli meal prep. Probably gonna throw mushrooms and red peppers in there too.


Well, that sucked.

To reiterate:

1 min jump rope
25 squats on wedge
20 jumping lunges
15 jump squats
X5 rounds, no rest

Made another batch of rice in the instant pot, have now perfected it - rinse a few times, 2 cups rice, 1 cup water, 5 min pressure cook turning off “keep warm” so rice doesn’t stick, 5 min natural release, vent, boom - perfect rice.

Going to have some rice, a big piece of salmon and half an avocado tonight, and prep the beef and broccoli.


sounds like a recipe for leg doms. Nice

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Yeah, all the squatting I had to do taping and painting immediately after eating elicited some protest from my quads for sure. I’m going to feel it tomorrow, but fortunately it’s more of a reminder for me not to neglect my legs if I’m going to be doing primarily bodyweight stuff.

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Gloomy weather today. Felt tired going in to work, felt tired all morning, and it was no different with my lunch burpees.

17 minutes - a full 2 minutes longer than usual. Just could not get myself moving. Didn’t help that I accidentally brought my sons shorts to work instead of mine (same brand, 1/3 the size, dunno how I didn’t notice haha) and had to do them in jeans, but that wasn’t the real issue.

We got a ping pong table at work so I got some extra activity in playing a few games at lunch.

After work/pre-paint will just be a 1-1.5 hour walk with the dog. Halfway through the walk there’s a playground with monkey bars so I can at least get 30-40 pull-ups in but mostly gonna take it relatively easy so I can finish this painting once and for all tonight.