[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
[quote]msd0060 wrote:
[quote]JoabSonOfZeruiah wrote:
When you say tilted do you mean tilted forward and back , or left and right, if its tilted forward or back read the articles lower back savers I posted in this thread, if its left or right still read the articles I posted listen to BBB and read Stuart Mcgill’s stuff.[/quote]
Ah, good question.
I don’t remember which hip is higher, but yes, I mean left and right. I think my left hip is higher than the right hip. It looks bad on the x-ray because the spinal structure curves near the base to “enter” my hips.
Picture is exaggerated but you get the point. Front view. Notice as it nears the hips it makes a curve. I probably could have done this picture a bit better, heh.[/quote]
Well it would seem to me that your chiro is a lying, cheating, robbing prick.
Since we stand upright, the lateral tilt of your hips comes from the fact that one leg is longer than the other. It cannot be ‘fixed’ by any means other than building up the length of the other leg (with shoe inserts - don’t worry, no one will see them) or if the length difference is minor, then it may just be a collapsed arch in the short leg. This still requires an orthotic insert.
Unless your chiro is planning on performing surgery to cut down the long leg, there is no way to correct the issue, other than orthotics.
However, it takes skill to accurately prescribe orthotics. He likely does not posess this (nor di I, currently) and lacks the integrity to refer out to a proper expert.
So he has tried to sell you a $1000 ‘cure’ which will not work.
Go and see an orthopod/orthotic shoe expert. Do not pay more than $250 for individually prescribed, bespoke shoe inserts. DO NOT accept ‘off the shelf’ items. Your foot and gait will need to be analysed manually and possibly electronically.
Wow, thanks for the info. I’m also flat footed (on both feet), and have been through hell and back finding shoes that I can run in without shin and foot pain. The idea of adding an orthotic sucks.
I have to look on my insurance website to see who they cover. What specific things should I ask for to see if they know what they’re doing?