My Next Cycle

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
any cycle ive ran my volume is always too much for a slin pin… [/quote]

That is a good point–I can see that being an issue for higher volume cycles, especially with longer esters that you are pinning more infrequently (more volume at each pin)

But guys running shorter esters (prop/ace) that are pinning every day (or even EOD) can still get a good amount of volume in over that week time using slin pins (1-2 mL a day would be no problem at all–the latter just requiring a refill of your slin pin and second injection).

Second injections today. Pinned another 500mg test E in the left quad, pinned the tren and mast in the left glute. Next week I will be injecting smaller amounts so ill be switching back to the slin pins. No pain from the injections what so ever. Nothing noticeable yet, did go to a concert the other night and did walk around a little more alpha haha feels good to be back on.

[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]

Don’t you waste some juice in that 1.5 inch needle? At least it’s 25G or is it a 23G?

After you inject, try drawing up some alcohol or water in that bazooka then push the plunger down, remove the needle and look at how much comes out. By this time next year you would have wasted enough to fill a vial.$$$$

Before we learned how little we know most all of us learned to love the big needle.

Every noob loves a big needle. 18G 1 1/2 cracks me up when I come across those posts. Their vials always full of rubber stopper material ahahahaha.

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:

Another advantage I see as well, is being able to rotate your injection sites pain free and easily. I have always rotated but my glute’s have developed a fair amount of scar tissue over the years and this would be a nice break for them. [/quote]

True, I feel the biggest benefit of the slin pin method (other than the fact I get freaked out like a little pussy about the idea of a longer needle going into my body) is the lack of scar tissue build-up. As mentioned I am on TRT and usually use my deltoids…I’d say for like 90%+ of my injections, and have been doing so multiple times a week for close to two years now and have absolutely no scar tissue in that area. None that I can discern anyway.[/quote]

And he can discern that he has no hair left on his gluteus maximus . He says it’s as smooth as the top of his head, but not as good looking.

[quote]conservativedog wrote:

[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]

Don’t you waste some juice in that 1.5 inch needle? At least it’s 25G or is it a 23G?

After you inject, try drawing up some alcohol or water in that bazooka then push the plunger down, remove the needle and look at how much comes out. By this time next year you would have wasted enough to fill a vial.$$$$

Before we learned how little we know most all of us learned to love the big needle.

Every noob loves a big needle. 18G 1 1/2 cracks me up when I come across those posts. Their vials always full of rubber stopper material ahahahaha.

After I draw and before I switch needles ill pull the plunger back to get the little bit that’s left and when I pin I leave a little air pocket at the end so I don’t waste any. But now I’m switching over to slin pins for all my injections.

[quote]BUDs wrote:

[quote]conservativedog wrote:

[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]

Don’t you waste some juice in that 1.5 inch needle? At least it’s 25G or is it a 23G?

After you inject, try drawing up some alcohol or water in that bazooka then push the plunger down, remove the needle and look at how much comes out. By this time next year you would have wasted enough to fill a vial.$$$$

Before we learned how little we know most all of us learned to love the big needle.

Every noob loves a big needle. 18G 1 1/2 cracks me up when I come across those posts. Their vials always full of rubber stopper material ahahahaha.

After I draw and before I switch needles ill pull the plunger back to get the little bit that’s left and when I pin I leave a little air pocket at the end so I don’t waste any. But now I’m switching over to slin pins for all my injections.

I’ve been doing the same. I draw with a 23g, pull all the oil out of it, swap to the 1.5" 25g and leave plenty of air up top so i get most everything out. Leaving a tiny bit of air not only purges the syringe but I find it cuts down big time on bleeding/bruising. It won’t hurt ya. I imagine I wasted quite a bit through my first few injections.

3rd injections today. Used slin pins for the tren/test/mast in the delts, injections went smooth no pip so far. My muscles are beginning to look fuller as well as a constant pump during the day. Have notice the weights are feeling a little lighter in the gym as well. Appetite has increased. No sides so far, mood is good.

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
any cycle ive ran my volume is always too much for a slin pin… [/quote]

That is a good point–I can see that being an issue for higher volume cycles, especially with longer esters that you are pinning more infrequently (more volume at each pin)

But guys running shorter esters (prop/ace) that are pinning every day (or even EOD) can still get a good amount of volume in over that week time using slin pins (1-2 mL a day would be no problem at all–the latter just requiring a refill of your slin pin and second injection).[/quote]

Sorry to hijack. You would reuse the same pin?

[quote]captaina1984 wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
any cycle ive ran my volume is always too much for a slin pin… [/quote]

That is a good point–I can see that being an issue for higher volume cycles, especially with longer esters that you are pinning more infrequently (more volume at each pin)

But guys running shorter esters (prop/ace) that are pinning every day (or even EOD) can still get a good amount of volume in over that week time using slin pins (1-2 mL a day would be no problem at all–the latter just requiring a refill of your slin pin and second injection).[/quote]

Sorry to hijack. You would reuse the same pin? [/quote]

Yup…do it all the time.

i never use the same pin. i’ve used the same syringe once and didnt even like doing that.

Using the same needle isn’t worth it. A syringe+needle costs what- 10 whole cents? The combined cost of all your syringes/needles for a cycle is still the cheapest part of your cycle by far.

in before “what about alcohol swabs”

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:
Using the same needle isn’t worth it. A syringe+needle costs what- 10 whole cents? The combined cost of all your syringes/needles for a cycle is still the cheapest part of your cycle by far.

in before “what about alcohol swabs”[/quote]

Them alcohol swabs are expensive!!!

I don’t do it out of cost concerns, it is mostly laziness and no desire to go haggle with the stupid pharmacy to sell me pins. Even though I have a legit script (just not at their pharmacy, I order online) and it is perfectly legal to sell needled OTC in my state, they still want to give me shit about it and I end up having to talk to the manager. It’s just a major PITA.

Plus disposing of them is a pain too.

Quick update. Weight is up came in at 221 today. Strength is up as well, feels like I can get more volume out of my workouts. Muscles seem bigger, a little more vascular too.

Last few nights my body temp is a little higher, have to open my window at night now. So far no sides (I know it’s a little early).

Running the dbol at 50mg a day and getting crazy pumps at the gym.

damn you californians and your awesome weather!

Haha ya we’re pretty spoiled

So far everything is good, overall in a good mood. Strength is increasing every week, added 20lbs to my squat today. Hovering around 220 and noticing I’m losing bf.

No bad sides, starting to have some vivid dreams which I think is awesome. Woke up last night and my neck was a little sweaty but that’s it. I find myself getting irritated at little things and get pissed a little easier but I’m pretty laid back person so I can control it and calm myself down.

Thinking about adding some albuterol at the end to help lose the last little bit of fat but we’ll see.

All I can say is, I fuckin love tren. Strength is through the roof, dropping a considerable amount of bf while putting on muscle mass and my general mood is great, I feel awesome. I can do much more volume at the gym and I seem to recover a lot quicker from workouts.

I’ve bumped up the tren to 450mg a week last week. So far no bad sides what so ever, no night sweats, no insomnia, nothing. The only thing is my cardio is shit but that’s the only negative thing so far. Libido is pretty high as well.

I would run tren all year long if I could. Its nice you respond well to moderate doses.

Ya I’m happy that my body is responding pretty well so far with tren. I might push it up to 500mg and see how that goes, but so far 450mg has been great.