use the Var at the end… im on the last few weeks of mine with
1-3 Tren A - 700
1-3 Test P - 200
1-6 Dbol - 40 ED
1-12 Test E - 225
1-12 Tren E - 720
6-12 Var - 75 ED
i also front loaded the long esters over the course of 1 week
the Var is a very nice combo at the end to get lean… this is my best run yet. as strong as i’ve ever been at a lighter body weight and as lean as i’ve ever been. granted my diet has been spot on for 90% of the time but Var at the end i feel was a really good choice. Pumps on 75ED are stupid.
i pin on Mon upon wakening, wed after noon, Fri night right before bed… this keeps me from guessing about the last day i pin for E3D (i hate that shit… “did i pin 2 or 3 days ago”…)
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
use the Var at the end… im on the last few weeks of mine with
1-3 Tren A - 700
1-3 Test P - 200
1-6 Dbol - 40 ED
1-12 Test E - 225
1-12 Tren E - 720
6-12 Var - 75 ED
i also front loaded the long esters over the course of 1 week
the Var is a very nice combo at the end to get lean… this is my best run yet. as strong as i’ve ever been at a lighter body weight and as lean as i’ve ever been. granted my diet has been spot on for 90% of the time but Var at the end i feel was a really good choice. Pumps on 75ED are stupid.
i pin on Mon upon wakening, wed after noon, Fri night right before bed… this keeps me from guessing about the last day i pin for E3D (i hate that shit… “did i pin 2 or 3 days ago”…)[/quote]
Dam thats a serious ass cycle…700mg tren/week
3 months of orals though?
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
var is pretty harmless… i ended up cutting the dbol down to 20mg 1 hour prior to workouts for blood pressure going haywire.[/quote]
How is it any less live toxic that any other 17aa oral?
[quote]BUDs wrote:
So I couldn’t wait. Frontloaded the test e and pinned my right quad. Hit the delts with the tren and mast using slin pins and god damn that’s the way, takes a little bit to draw and pin but well worth it. I think I might Pre load some slin pins in the future.[/quote]
You used a insluin syringe to draw the mast and pin it? I am getting that right? Is that even possible?[/quote]
Yes it’s possible, did it with the tren as well. Takes a bit to draw and pin. I pinned yesterday and this morning no pain what so ever in my delts and quad.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
use the Var at the end… im on the last few weeks of mine with
1-3 Tren A - 700
1-3 Test P - 200
1-6 Dbol - 40 ED
1-12 Test E - 225
1-12 Tren E - 720
6-12 Var - 75 ED
i also front loaded the long esters over the course of 1 week
the Var is a very nice combo at the end to get lean… this is my best run yet. as strong as i’ve ever been at a lighter body weight and as lean as i’ve ever been. granted my diet has been spot on for 90% of the time but Var at the end i feel was a really good choice. Pumps on 75ED are stupid.
i pin on Mon upon wakening, wed after noon, Fri night right before bed… this keeps me from guessing about the last day i pin for E3D (i hate that shit… “did i pin 2 or 3 days ago”…)[/quote]
Ya I ended up saving the var for the end but I still have enough to run at the beginning and end but I had some left over dbol from my last cycle so I’m running that the first 4 weeks.
[quote]Cron391 wrote:
Are you having any sides with the tren being that high? If so how are you managing it…
I want to try tren but since its so dam androgenic I am worried it will accelerate my balding[/quote]
i get night sweats… i stay pretty warm… but its winter, hence why i usually run all my cycles during the cold months… the last week or so i havent had any night sweats, which is awesome. hate waking up covered in sweat and the bed soaking wet.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
var is pretty harmless… i ended up cutting the dbol down to 20mg 1 hour prior to workouts for blood pressure going haywire.[/quote]
How is it any less live toxic that any other 17aa oral?[/quote]
i dont know all the science behind it but Var is the mildest oral.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
use the Var at the end… im on the last few weeks of mine with
1-3 Tren A - 700
1-3 Test P - 200
1-6 Dbol - 40 ED
1-12 Test E - 225
1-12 Tren E - 720
6-12 Var - 75 ED
i also front loaded the long esters over the course of 1 week
the Var is a very nice combo at the end to get lean… this is my best run yet. as strong as i’ve ever been at a lighter body weight and as lean as i’ve ever been. granted my diet has been spot on for 90% of the time but Var at the end i feel was a really good choice. Pumps on 75ED are stupid.
i pin on Mon upon wakening, wed after noon, Fri night right before bed… this keeps me from guessing about the last day i pin for E3D (i hate that shit… “did i pin 2 or 3 days ago”…)[/quote]
Ya I ended up saving the var for the end but I still have enough to run at the beginning and end but I had some left over dbol from my last cycle so I’m running that the first 4 weeks.
you will like the whole cycle, should be very good to you. it almost seems like the Var is calming down my night sweats.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
So I couldn’t wait. Frontloaded the test e and pinned my right quad. Hit the delts with the tren and mast using slin pins and god damn that’s the way, takes a little bit to draw and pin but well worth it. I think I might Pre load some slin pins in the future.[/quote]
You used a insluin syringe to draw the mast and pin it? I am getting that right? Is that even possible?[/quote]
Yes it’s possible, did it with the tren as well. Takes a bit to draw and pin. I pinned yesterday and this morning no pain what so ever in my delts and quad. [/quote]
Hmm…can you elaborate on this? You used a regular insulin 1cc sryinge? How is the insulin syrindge deep enfough to go all the way into the muscle? Or is it like just for delts since they are shallow
[quote]BUDs wrote:
So I couldn’t wait. Frontloaded the test e and pinned my right quad. Hit the delts with the tren and mast using slin pins and god damn that’s the way, takes a little bit to draw and pin but well worth it. I think I might Pre load some slin pins in the future.[/quote]
You used a insluin syringe to draw the mast and pin it? I am getting that right? Is that even possible?[/quote]
You would think after a hundred or so guys come on a website and say “this is how I do this, I know it doesnt make any sense to those of you that have never tried it, but it works and I like it” people would no longer be so incredulous.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]
You can also pin your quads with a slin pin, no problem. I occasionally will hit my tear drops and every now and again also my upper qauds (dont really no where to describe this, but almost where your finger tips end if you stand with your arms down at your side). Mostly the delts though. I have seen nothing to convince me that a deep intramuscular injection is necessary. A shallow or even SC seems to do the trick.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]
You can also pin your quads with a slin pin, no problem. I occasionally will hit my tear drops and every now and again also my upper qauds (dont really no where to describe this, but almost where your finger tips end if you stand with your arms down at your side). Mostly the delts though. I have seen nothing to convince me that a deep intramuscular injection is necessary. A shallow or even SC seems to do the trick.[/quote]
I agree it will eventually get absorb, slin pins are the way to go.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Just a regular 1ml slin pin with a 1/2 inche needle. I used this for my delt injections only, for my quad I used 1.5" 25g needle.[/quote]
You can also pin your quads with a slin pin, no problem. I occasionally will hit my tear drops and every now and again also my upper qauds (dont really no where to describe this, but almost where your finger tips end if you stand with your arms down at your side). Mostly the delts though. I have seen nothing to convince me that a deep intramuscular injection is necessary. A shallow or even SC seems to do the trick.[/quote]
I agree it will eventually get absorb, slin pins are the way to go.[/quote]
I was trying to use up all my 1", 23 g (damn bulk order) before I switched over to slin pins but after all the positive stuff I keep hearing Im going to switch for tomorrows injects.
Another advantage I see as well, is being able to rotate your injection sites pain free and easily. I have always rotated but my glute’s have developed a fair amount of scar tissue over the years and this would be a nice break for them.
Another advantage I see as well, is being able to rotate your injection sites pain free and easily. I have always rotated but my glute’s have developed a fair amount of scar tissue over the years and this would be a nice break for them. [/quote]
True, I feel the biggest benefit of the slin pin method (other than the fact I get freaked out like a little pussy about the idea of a longer needle going into my body) is the lack of scar tissue build-up. As mentioned I am on TRT and usually use my deltoids…I’d say for like 90%+ of my injections, and have been doing so multiple times a week for close to two years now and have absolutely no scar tissue in that area. None that I can discern anyway.
Another advantage I see as well, is being able to rotate your injection sites pain free and easily. I have always rotated but my glute’s have developed a fair amount of scar tissue over the years and this would be a nice break for them. [/quote]
True, I feel the biggest benefit of the slin pin method (other than the fact I get freaked out like a little pussy about the idea of a longer needle going into my body) is the lack of scar tissue build-up. As mentioned I am on TRT and usually use my deltoids…I’d say for like 90%+ of my injections, and have been doing so multiple times a week for close to two years now and have absolutely no scar tissue in that area. None that I can discern anyway.[/quote]