Weight- 215
Bf- around 12
Lifting since I was 16
Test E
250mg weeks 1-8
500mg weeks 9-14
Tren E
350mg weeks 1-8
Possibly bump up to 400mg
Mast E
300mg weeks 1-14
Weeks 1-5
Start at 50mg per day and slowly increase to 100mg per day
Adex .25mg EOD from beginning to the last week before pct.
Caber and prami on hand
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Low dose aromasin (helps with acne during pct)
This will be my first run with tren. I wasn’t able to get tren ace and I know people say ace is better for the first time to see how you handle it but tren E is what I could get so I’m going with it. Ill just deal with any sides that may come, but looking forward to starting this cycle, been waiting a long time to try tren.
I happened to get a hell of a deal on some var so I couldn’t pass it up. Might go all the way up to 125mg per day (thanks rds). This will be my first run with var so I’m stoked to add this to the arsenal.
What are some of your opinions on front loading the test?
Gonna be starting this probably the first of the year but I might start when I get it :)) and was thinking about keeping this as a log for anyone that’s interested.
I like to front load test. In fact today I front loaded 1.5 gram total. Of coarse I feel like total crap now and will tomorrow but I still like the way my cycles turn out. That being said I run sust up till day 14 on any cycle though.
Tren is awesome and you will like it man, if you can get a hold of Seroquel it will help you sleep a lot better. You’ll still have the sweats but you will sleep through better.
I in no way got it all figured out man, my knowledge base comes from mostly experimenting on myself and others, lol. It blows my mind sometimes when the real vets post their knowledge of chemical structures, the human body and their correlation to one another. Makes me feel like a blind bumbling fucktard at best. Its truly rare to find such a large knowledge base and individuals who are willing to share it.
Thanks guys. I thought about front loaded the tren but being this is the first run with tren I think I’ll see how my body responds to it first. As far as the var goes I’m still up in the air if I’m gonna run it in the beginning or end.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Thanks guys. I thought about front loaded the tren but being this is the first run with tren I think I’ll see how my body responds to it first. As far as the var goes I’m still up in the air if I’m gonna run it in the beginning or end. [/quote]
definitely keep a log of this cuz i really wanna do a very similar cycle
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Thanks guys. I thought about front loaded the tren but being this is the first run with tren I think I’ll see how my body responds to it first. As far as the var goes I’m still up in the air if I’m gonna run it in the beginning or end. [/quote]
definitely keep a log of this cuz i really wanna do a very similar cycle[/quote]
Will do, and on a side note, picked up all my goodies today! Just looking at the tren make me drool I don’t know if I can wait to start so maybe ill be starting Monday!
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Will do, and on a side note, picked up all my goodies today! Just looking at the tren make me drool I don’t know if I can wait to start so maybe ill be starting Monday! [/quote]
lol, I have a vial of tren A in the house and I swear to god it talks.
“Pin me Robert, just a little, what’s the worst that could happen?”
and I’m like “NO! You wait til after my next test/deca cycle, jeez.”
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Will do, and on a side note, picked up all my goodies today! Just looking at the tren make me drool I don’t know if I can wait to start so maybe ill be starting Monday! [/quote]
lol, I have a vial of tren A in the house and I swear to god it talks.
“Pin me Robert, just a little, what’s the worst that could happen?”
and I’m like “NO! You wait til after my next test/deca cycle, jeez.” [/quote]
you’re all such assholes. tomorrow is the first day of the LAST week of my cycle!!! I’m fiending for some Tren but know it’ll be so long, so many cold hard months, before i can pin some
var and masteron are generally a waste unless ur precontest… expensive as fuck.
if you got “a hell of a deal” on the var, it’s probably fake, or a cheaper steroid like oral turinabol or dbol. one of my buds got dbol instead of var so watch out for estrogen, might want to increase your adex to at least .25mg ED regardless…
no point in running test at 250mg/week unless ur cruising between blasts
id run tren E for at least 10-12 weeks personally
everything else looks decent, diet and training will dictate your results
So I couldn’t wait. Frontloaded the test e and pinned my right quad. Hit the delts with the tren and mast using slin pins and god damn that’s the way, takes a little bit to draw and pin but well worth it. I think I might Pre load some slin pins in the future.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
So I couldn’t wait. Frontloaded the test e and pinned my right quad. Hit the delts with the tren and mast using slin pins and god damn that’s the way, takes a little bit to draw and pin but well worth it. I think I might Pre load some slin pins in the future.[/quote]
You used a insluin syringe to draw the mast and pin it? I am getting that right? Is that even possible?