hey all, 2moro im starting meltdown training with the T-Dawg diet… Im gonna need some encouragement! Im 5’11, 83kgs(182pounds for you americans) and about 15% body fat. Its summer here in Australia so leaning out would be great some time soon. Hope some people join me on this T-Dawg/Meltdown plan to share my pain! lol
well just did my meltdown training today! fuck it was a killer. I thought it was bullshit that you feel like puking after your first set, but FUCK ITS TRUE!!! I walked out of the gym for some air after the first set. Then the same shit happened for the other 2 sets! While i was speaking with one of the fitness trainers there, i felt like fainting! IT WAS SOOOOOO WEIRD I TELL YA!!! but i know if it makes you feel like that it must work. I hope…lol
Right now i feel goooooooooood!
Hi Scoobi:
You know, I’m exactly starting T-Dawg/Meltdown (actually started this am the Meltdown part). It will be kool to share progress and encouragement.
I’m a male 5’6" (short bastard) 167.5# to star but with about 17%bf mosty in my abs. Looking to reduce that number and keep some l/m and put some if I can. Using MD6/T-2, AP, and for during/after w/o drink:SURGE. This morning w/o was a killer because at one moment I got out of breath, I started easy on weight for squats/DeadLift to make sure of proper form, but next w/o I will adjust that. It’s funny how people at gym look at you like you don’t know what you doing, but it feels great, I even put some 10-15min cool down on t/mill after routine just to make 55-60 min. I’m pretty sure once I make weight adjustment/intensity, I probably won’t be able to walk after routine.
Thanks to everyone at T-Mag and the forum, I’ve learned so much here in so little, that now I realize that previous T-mag time at the gym was a real waste.
Keep the hard work scoobi.
hey there Nica! Today im way too sore to do the Day 2 workout. My back muscles are especially!!! I’ve noticed that there are Bent over barbell rows on Day 2 even though it already feels like i’ve had a back workout. Must of been the Chin-ups from day 1. Guess im gonna have a mega strong back by the end of this 3 weeks! lol
Hey Scoobi and Nica, good luck with your training and diet. I’m doing the t-dawg with my own training. The thing I want you guys to consider is SLOWLY bring back the carbs after your diets. This way you won’t gain to much weight right away. I did this on my last T-dawg diet and it worked well. Good luck again!!
Hey guys, day two training is down, I too was sore this morning for the w/o, even with little weight as I explained before, but I did the best I could. Bye the time of the second circuit on the Dips, I was literally wasted, I had to stop about 30sec to recover. My abs are sore, but I tried doing the Hanging with twist, first set was ok, last set, I just managed to complete 6 reps per side. I think It will get better. I’m planning on 4 weeks not 3, since I consider this week as a “get used to it” week. Nutrition yesterday to the “T” except I used Ranch dressing for my salad instead of Italian.
Hey Scoobi, what I’m planinig to do is M-T, WED OFF, TH-FRI, SAT-SUN OFF. Keep it up Scoobi.
Hey Siscokid, that is a good recommendation, I realy appreciate your input, and please bring more of your experience to us, I consider myself a newbie and I thank you for your feedback.
Good luck to you too.!!
Hey guys…I’m starting Meltdown on Monday in conjunction with a diet similar to T-Dawg, except my carb intake will be approx. 100g/day and every fifth day or so I’ll likely use C/P meals Don’t Diet style. I’ve already been dieting for a while (down to 6 1/2 percent), so I can handle a slightly higher amount of carbs throughout the week, but they’ll all come from veggies except Surge post-workout. Looking forward to Meltdown…I’ve done German Body Comp in conjunction with a CKD before with great results. Just want to get back to that 5 mm. ab skinfold (only 4 mm. away). I’m gonna do the fish oils and glutamine as recommended, and I’m also using Surge, AP, Power Drive, and ZMA from Biotest. I may use the Ian King ab programs from Get Buffed as I’m not sure I have the abdominal control to properly do ten hanging leg raises, but we’ll see how it goes. Best of luck!
hey all… well its day 3 and i had to skip the day 2 workout. Im STILL sore from the first day!! I think im gonna have to do this over 4 weeks too cos when i do the day 2 workout on the 4th day, i’ll have to recover for a few more days. Also i NEVER feel like im starving myself. The last time i tried the T-dawg diet i used KILOS to calculate my calories!!! Now thats what i call a major fuckup!!! hehehe
Hey guys: Is good to see that many of us are doing this together, sharing info.
Today is day 3, Sore, realy sore!!! Most afected area: Lats/Abs. There is no training today but keeping nutrition and suplementation in order.
I don’t feel starving at all eighter, in fact, I’m having hard times taking the last meal (trying 6 meals) that, I think next week I will reduce it to 5, keeping ratios and total calories.
Well, tomorrow is a day when I’m sure I going to know what “pain” is all about.
Keep it up guys, we are getting there!!!
Started Meltdown last night with T-Dawg. 5’11" male, 210 Pounds. Looking to lose some weight around the waist before starting a strength phase. First workout was brutal. I thought I was going to puke for sure. It took me around 30 minutes post workout to finally feel normal again. I was sweating bullets. I was conservative on my weight selection for each exercise but will increase accordingly. Looking forward to sharing my progress and hearing everybody elses progress. Keep us informed.
Maybe I just have shitty genetics, but I did meltdown a few months ago and lost a shitload of muscle. I would only do it again if I was using steroids, or if I could somehow get Biotest’s prohormones through Aussie customs. Scoobi where are you? A few of us on this BB are from Vic. and Brissie.
hey everyone! well i did the day 2 workout out today (day4) and it didnt feel as bad as the first one. Sweated heaps and didnt even feel like fainting or puking this time! P.S Oh yeah Apollo, im from Melbourne and it sucks we cant get any bio test products down here in Aus!