Alright, in the fall im moving back to Illinois and will be going back to the gym i used to work out, i’ll be the assistant manager, but while i was gone for a year they hired a new director, they then told me that he was quite the Bodybuilder back in the late 70’s early 80’s.
Yet i had never heard of him. In the article below he is mentioned in the same breath at Serge Nubret, and it sounds like he was in Weider’s camp, yet ive never even heard of him till now. Any of your older guys know much about him.
Im pretty excited to get to work and hopefully workout with a guy who competed next to some of the greatest of all time.
“He has 7 certifications in Personal Training, exercise therapy, cardiovascular assessment and conditioning. He is also a former Mr. American and Mr. Universe 1980.”
My Health Clubs new website
"The exercises and routines were a a little different then, as well. Pics of Serge Nubret doing flyes with 90 lb. d-bells, BRONSTON AUSTIN squatting for reps with 455 lbs., the Barbarian Brothers doing behind the neck presses with 315 lbs.
Not the “posed” pics with exquisite lighting and strategic beads of sweat. Just pics of guys in the gym. Routines focussed around big compound moves, with finishing exercises that were “exotic”, like leg extensions or leg curls. No real machine work to speak of, except for the Mentzers who liked to work out on Nautalis equipment.
Most of those guys were strong. Very strong, even. They were not training to powerlift (although some of them had, before and would after. Does anybody remember Bev Francis?), so maybe limit strength was sacrificed, but none-the-less they were strength athletes.
The state of anabolic drugs and patterns of use during that time required a lot of time under heavy loads to produce growth. Don’t be fooled into thinking these were guys hanging around a fitness clubs Smith Machines."
–From an article entitled, “Whatever Happened to Bodybuilding”