My Last, And Very Last Hangover

The great thing about hangovers in Hawaii is, you’re in Hawaii!
I had a freind that has a problem using the bathroom while he’s drunk. He couldn’t find it! One time he pissed in the living room and the other time his Mom found him outside the bathroom with his pants down and his dick in his hand.

I haven’t had a hangover in Hawaii yet - only been here 3 months. But hey… Chinadoll… didn’t anyone ever tell you not to make Tequilla mad? She’s a jealous b*tch… don’t drink wine with her! Tequilla will kick her ass! Beer and tequilla… well, she’s bound to tangle with that, too. So I just drink Tequilla from the start of the night. And Diet Coke in between… lol…

Actually, I don’t drink much at all any more. I got tired of hearing hilarious stories about myself that I couldn’t relate to. At least they were hilarious stories, right!!! I didn’t ask anyone to suck my cock. Gee… probably because I don’t have one… but now if I get drunk… oh, dear… that might sound really amusing. I’d better not get drunk.

grins ~ Renee

Chinadoll - if you work in the ER, and you have a hangover… go hit the oxygen mask for about 30 minutes. Cured!! Flight chiefs and hospital workers do it all the time.

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
Chinadoll - if you work in the ER, and you have a hangover… go hit the oxygen mask for about 30 minutes. Cured!! Flight chiefs and hospital workers do it all the time. [/quote]

First, I’d be freaked if I knew a doctor or nurse or someone working ON ME was hungover. Except for the fact that the times I did spend in the ER myself, I was too drunk to know where I was…

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
I didn’t ask anyone to suck my cock. Gee… probably because I don’t have one… but now if I get drunk… oh, dear… that might sound really amusing. I’d better not get drunk.

grins ~ Renee[/quote]

And second, you don’t need a dick to ask someone to suck it. That’s the beauty of being drunk. You can get so drunk, you think you have a dick…

we had a place last year in school, that, from 8-9 had one dollar “call its”

it was a new place and was in need of business so we abused the shit out of the deal. During the early parts of the evening it was a casual martini bar, but from 8-9 we turned it into a fucking party (weekly).

My first time going there was the thursday after a fall break in Vegas. A group of about 8-10 of us from my scholarship house took the 10 minute walk to Pearl Street (an outdoor mall, but more importantly a strip of about 15 bars comprising Boulder).

Styr was the first place we went to one dollar drinks. We took up about three sofas and a couple coffee tables, and within about 15 minutes both tables were completely covered with rounds of drinks. 8 people, each person bought 2 or 3 rounds in the hour… 4 bottles of jager and a case or so of redbull, along with a bottle of vodka, all on our table (all in shots and various cocktails) and we were ready to rock. Amazingly, all of this was gone and disappeared by 9:30.

time to go to the next bar, two guys barf on the walk over, we get there… jager, double shots, 2 bucks! someone has to buy a round, we all enjoy it (even the barfers) then it’s on to the irish bar for 3 dollar carbombs…

after that, the group split up and everyone stumbled (literally) off in their own direction. One guy passed out in a bush, another on a park bench, a couple walked home around 11:30 and passed out on campus, face down in the grass, and were awoken by sprinklers at 5am the next morning. Out of the original 8 of us, NOBODY really remembered anything past getting into the irish bar.

The next day, 3 of the 8 of us went to lunch, still compeletely trashed… no hangover, too drunk for that. We then found out about, and peiced together our nights… crazy times.

Was it smart… no.
Was it fun… it sounded like it.
would I do it again… maybe

good times.

moral of the story, go to college and have some fun

[quote]K O N G wrote:
…and the other time his Mom found him outside the bathroom with his pants down and his dick in his hand. [/quote]


[quote]The3toedSloth wrote:
Probably, the one that stands out the most, was when I asked my mother’s friend to suck my cock. Now, I don’t remember asking her to suck my cock. I woke up the following morning, with that nagging feeling that I had done something that required an apology. So I phoned my mom, and acted quite nonchalant.
|/ 3Toes

That has got to be the funniest thing I’ve read on these boards in a month. LMFAO!!!

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
Chinadoll - if you work in the ER, and you have a hangover… go hit the oxygen mask for about 30 minutes. Cured!! Flight chiefs and hospital workers do it all the time. [/quote]

I don’t know what hospital you work at, but that is pretty fucking sketchy. I’ve worked in the Cardiac Cath Lab and the Emergency Room (goddamn I hate the fucking ER), and I have NEVER heard of anyone doing this.

Not to mention to actually do this you’d have to show up 30 minutes early, sneak an oxygen tank off to somewhere private, and then sit around for 30 minutes with an oxygen mask on and hope no one recognizes you. Not that it couldn’t work, just that it would take some planning.

Soph year in highschool my gf was throwing a party, I came early and decided I would get a headstart on everybody. She was runnin around gettin shit ready and I was posted up on the couch with my case of Budweiser(all I had available) Well by the time people started arriving I already couldn’t walk straight and had pollished off about 9 beers.

The party got goin and I kept drinking. Halfway into my 19th beer I was a drunk bastard. All was well untill my drunk ass decided to piss in my gf’s bathroom upstairs because “only I was allowed”. I don’t know excactly how it happened, but on my way back down the stairs I caught a nasty drunkin stumble and hurled my body into the wall.

A fucking hole the size of my upper-body. One of my buddys at the bottom of the stairs who had witnessed this was laughing his ass off and I tried to whisper to him not to tell anybody. Maybe I thought nobody would notice?

Then around the corner she comes immedietly screaming/crying in a drunkin panic. HAHAH I will never forget the first thing I did was go down to her and ask her for a hammer, nails, and some wood I’ll FIX IT BABY, I’LL FIX IT!!!


oh wow, it’s like this thread was custom tailored just for me. Hmm, lets see, there’s soo many stories to choose from.

The setting: Summer after highschool, 18 years old, parents out of town for a week.
The characters: Me, my girlfriend, a liter of Montezuma tequila (yes, it came in a plastic bottle and cost around 4 dollars).
The story: So my girlfriend and I decided it would be fun to go shot for shot. We went out and got some limes and started at it.

After about 8 shots she gave up (she was pretty tiny so 8 was a lot for her). I did 4 more and then announced that I too was done and it was time to switch over to some beers we had in the fridge. In her drunken state she looked me in the eye and uttered those simple words no man can resist “what, you can’t finish the bottle pussy?” It was all over.

Hand went to bottle, bottle rose into the air, bottle turned upside down and emptied itself down my throat. The rest of the evening is hazy but somehow the beers got drank.
Now for the best part. 8am the next morning my alarm clock begins driving a red hot poker into my skull reminding me it’s time to go to work… As a lifeguard at the beach.

FUCK! It was supposed to be raining. I wasn’t supposed to have to work today!! Oh yes not only did I have the worst hangover of my life, but I had to sit out on a chair in the blazing sun and blow a fucking loud, shrill whistle at screaming kids all day. I brought a shovel out to the chair and had to repeatedly get down and bury the puke on one side or the other.

Luckily it was a bay beach with no waves and lots of extra lifeguards around. Ever since then tequila and I haven’t been on speaking terms.

Well kids, it’s time to head out to the bar, tune in next week when I’ll prove that it is in fact possible to drink somone under the table, literally.


  1. $4.00/bottle- already sounds like bad news!!! Cheap alcohol makes for the worst hangover headaches ever.

  2. Bad hangover on the hot beach…been there…that is the worst! The sunlight+eyes combination seems to stimulate the puke trigger center, eh??

  3. I agree. Me, Bacardi 151 and Meister Brau have never crossed paths ever again either.

[quote]m0dd3r wrote:
The characters: Me, my girlfriend, a liter of Montezuma tequila (yes, it came in a plastic bottle and cost around 4 dollars).
The story: So my girlfriend and I decided it would be fun to go shot for shot. We went out and got some limes and started at it.

After about 8 shots she gave up (she was pretty tiny so 8 was a lot for her). I did 4 more and then announced that I too was done and it was time to switch over to some beers we had in the fridge. In her drunken state she looked me in the eye and uttered those simple words no man can resist “what, you can’t finish the bottle pussy?” It was all over.

Hand went to bottle, bottle rose into the air, bottle turned upside down and emptied itself down my throat. The rest of the evening is hazy but somehow the beers got drank.
Now for the best part. 8am the next morning my alarm clock begins driving a red hot poker into my skull reminding me it’s time to go to work… As a lifeguard at the beach.

FUCK! It was supposed to be raining. I wasn’t supposed to have to work today!! Oh yes not only did I have the worst hangover of my life, but I had to sit out on a chair in the blazing sun and blow a fucking loud, shrill whistle at screaming kids all day. I brought a shovel out to the chair and had to repeatedly get down and bury the puke on one side or the other.

Luckily it was a bay beach with no waves and lots of extra lifeguards around. Ever since then tequila and I haven’t been on speaking terms.


Hehe, that’s cute!! I do this if I’m getting hungry, but no time to eat at work, when I get lightheaded, drink down 60cc of orange juice and a few breaths of oxygen and good as new.

Ah, I no longer drink alcohol since I’ve “grown up” and graduated from College, so no worries about me and a hangover at work. I actually rarely ever used to drink, but when I did, I got blitzed…call it inexperience, thinking you can drink alcohol in the same way you’d drink Gatorade when you’re thirsty.

I’m at that point in life where if I go out and stay up until 4am, even if I don’t drink anything at all except for Calistoga water, I wake up with a hangover anyway, so go figure! Maybe it’s the clean lifestyle, anything at all will give you some kind of rush!

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
Chinadoll - if you work in the ER, and you have a hangover… go hit the oxygen mask for about 30 minutes. Cured!! Flight chiefs and hospital workers do it all the time. [/quote]

Great quote!!

[quote]CU AeroStallion wrote:
moral of the story, go to college and have some fun[/quote]

Location: high school X’mas ball

Drugs of choice: 2 joints after 5 pints of Guiness and some shots of vodka

Result: Puked on the dance floor and in the bar. A girl who fancied me ignored me forever after that. Later on that night passed out in toilet for an hour. I almost got drug tested by the school after that, but got away by explaining I’ve never drank alcohol before.

Now: I’ve not blazed up or got drunk for 2 years now after that incident and also I’m seriously into rugby and powerlifting

Have pretty much sworn off hard liquor myself. I’ve got a question though, a beer is supposed to be equal to a shot is supposed to be equal to a glass of wine. Why is it that liquor seems to have such a larger effect on overall intoxication and hangovers. I’m not exactly talking about copious amounts, but it seems that say 4 shots spread out over a night hits harder than 4 beers. Why is this?

Less water to go with the alcohol maybe?

[quote]speedy5323 wrote:
Have pretty much sworn off hard liquor myself. I’ve got a question though, a beer is supposed to be equal to a shot is supposed to be equal to a glass of wine. Why is it that liquor seems to have such a larger effect on overall intoxication and hangovers.

I’m not exactly talking about copious amounts, but it seems that say 4 shots spread out over a night hits harder than 4 beers. Why is this?[/quote]

Possibly also different ingredients.

You wouldn’t say Absinthe is the same as Vodka. So, I’m guessing there is some other ingredients, while not as strong of an effect of Absinthe, might have other and different effects to that of ethanol.

Speed of uptake. Hard liquor is less dilute and absorbs more quickly.
Real absynth also contains a mild hallucinogen. I think it was Mannet or Monnet or one of those guys used to get silly on that stuff.

Absynthe had a narcotic very close to morphine in it. That’s why people got so bombed off it. It may have been opium, but not for sure.

The last time I drank like that, I ended up in jail for the night.

I drank enough from the time I was 12 to 28 that my very soul was drunk and tired.

After the night in jail, I never touched the stuff again (over 4 years ago).

Last weekend, I had a friend telling story after story about me. I hadn’t laughed that hard in long time. One story was about walking through my house in a dress, and another was about driving down a four lane highway at 140 mph with a 32oz. of Crown on the rocks between my legs. Good times…good times…

How about the time I went “nude” cliff diving in front of an audience of about 20 strangers at the lake…

or… busted into a group of guys’ house with my 9mm to scare the sh*t out of them… then left and popped off a few shots in their tree in the front yard… (funny, huh)…

… how about the time i checked out of some lady’s bathroom window because i didn’t have a clue who she was or why we were naked? (OK, I made that one up. I knew why we were naked.)

…on and on and on…

I probably deserve to be in jail. It’s a good thing I found a hell of a woman that helped me become a man. I would even go as far to say that I’m a good man, but deep inside, all I can think about right now is Chinadoll in a school girl skirt with white thigh-highs on.

~ jack