
Went to a business party for midstream guys (oil stuff). Like all oilfield get togethers, this necessitated drinking, which I generally avoid. (As in, some cajun was giving shots from a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue label.)

Had the hangover from hell this AM.

Well, it went away with 2 asprin, a bottle of Brain Candy, and a bottle of water.

Not sure this was intended use of Brain Candy, but it certainly works. Fully functional in about 30 minutes, and not as nasty acidic on a sour stomach like coffee.

The funny thing is I never get hangovers from whiskey.

Vodka can go fuck itself hard. Who needs that fucking shit anyway?

I ruined myself on tequila one night in the army when I was 19. Me and a buddy opened a bottle and were taking shots. We started at 10:30, when Saturday Night Live started and we finished the bottle by Weekend Update. That’s about 30 minutes. I think I drank more of it than buddy did.
We went out to one of those shitty bars that’s attached to the end of a motel and I threw up in the bathroom…“So what?” you say? It was the women’s bathroom and I didn’t make it to a toilet but only opened the door to the women’s bathroom and puked on the floor. I then passed out in a snowbank for about 20 minutes. In Winnipeg…in January.

Beer has been known to make me need to skip breakfast.

And mildly on topic…

I think the inevitable Hangover Part III should take place in Russia and they wake p and can’t remember what wacky shit they did the night before because…wait for it…they got really fucked up on vodka. A true hangover.

[quote]Nards wrote:
The funny thing is I never get hangovers from whiskey.

Vodka can go fuck itself hard. Who needs that fucking shit anyway?

I ruined myself on tequila one night in the army when I was 19. Me and a buddy opened a bottle and were taking shots. We started at 10:30, when Saturday Night Live started and we finished the bottle by Weekend Update. That’s about 30 minutes. I think I drank more of it than buddy did.
We went out to one of those shitty bars that’s attached to the end of a motel and I threw up in the bathroom…“So what?” you say? It was the women’s bathroom and I didn’t make it to a toilet but only opened the door to the women’s bathroom and puked on the floor. I then passed out in a snowbank for about 20 minutes. In Winnipeg…in January.

Beer has been known to make me need to skip breakfast.[/quote]

This was a lot of whiskey (various kinds) and probably 8 heinken, plus several tequila shots.

Pretty ugly. Fortunately, it’s raining and my rigs can’t get where they need to go today.

Hot bath, greasy breakfast and lots of water. Puke when you need to and done.

[quote]Nards wrote:
And mildly on topic…

I think the inevitable Hangover Part III should take place in Russia and they wake p and can’t remember what wacky shit they did the night before because…wait for it…they got really fucked up on vodka. A true hangover.[/quote]

Perhaps part IV could be in Ireland, where they get really, really, drunk, but no one notices and it’s all considered perfectly fine.

Holy shit you can’t mix the stuff!

Remember the rhyme!

Whiskey before beer, you’re gonna fuckin’ puke.
Beer before wine, you’re gonna be ass-rapingly sick

[quote]BootScootBoogy wrote:
Hot bath, greasy breakfast and lots of water. Puke when you need to and done.[/quote]

I’m actually fine. Had two egg burritos with salsa.

Again, this is an “off-label” use of Brain Candy, but pretty amazing.

Almost as good as those guys who come to your room in vegas and give you an IV.

[quote]Nards wrote:
Holy shit you can’t mix the stuff!

Remember the rhyme!

Whiskey before beer, you’re gonna fuckin’ puke.
Beer before wine, you’re gonna be ass-rapingly sick

Hell, I know. It’s just an oilfield thing. And these are the executives, bankers, lawyers, and such.

You only get a hangover if you stop drinking. Quitters.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
You only get a hangover if you stop drinking. Quitters.[/quote]

I considered a bloody mary and a nap, which is how true alcoholics resolve the issue.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
You only get a hangover if you stop drinking. Quitters.[/quote]

[quote]Nards wrote:

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
You only get a hangover if you stop drinking. Quitters.[/quote]

That’s disgusting.

Top-shelf vodka is the only thing that spares me a hangover.

But I don;t drink anymore, so hangovers are a thing of the past anyway.

Vodka GIVES you hangovers Nards?

wow - that is the only shit that does NOT make me sick. JD will def give me a headache, and Beer will leave me parched the next morning.

but, ya’all’re spot-on about the greasy food - shit works magic~

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Top-shelf vodka is the only thing that spares me a hangover.

But I don;t drink anymore, so hangovers are a thing of the past anyway. [/quote]

didja move on to mainllining smack now?

TTR, how the girls doing?

Why would any one do shots of Johnnie Walker Blue? That’s a sipping drink. Good taste though, along with the 8 Heinekens. I’m sure it was the tequila doing you in. Scotch may make you a little queasy, but the good stuff doesn’t bring on the pain like tequila.

What usually works for me to avoid hangovers (or at least reduce the effect) is to drink a large glass of water, with some aspirin or ibuprofin, before going to bed that night. You won’t feel as bad in the morning.

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:
This was a lot of whiskey (various kinds) and probably 8 heinken, plus several tequila shots.
If drinking is a necessity at certain functions, you can try to fake it. Of course, if people are pouring shots for you, you might just have to take it, but you can certainly fake the beer drinking. Especially if everyone else is drunk, they may not notice you walking around with the same glass of beer and not taking a sip (or pouring it out somewhere else).

When I was younger and working as a corporate undercover investigator, I ended up going to a house party with a bunch of guys I was investigating. Instead of drinking and making some drunken fatal mistake, I wandered around with my cup of beer talking to people and slipping into the bathroom to dump the beer down the toilet. Then back to the keg for more beer and more socializing. The guys were drunk and only saw me keep filling my beer without noticing me not drinking a lot, and I got a lot of critical information for my investigation from the drunk fools.

[quote]BCFlynn wrote:

Why would any one do shots of Johnnie Walker Blue? That’s a sipping drink. Good taste though, along with the 8 Heinekens. I’m sure it was the tequila doing you in. Scotch may make you a little queasy, but the good stuff doesn’t bring on the pain like tequila.


New rich consumption. He’s making a ton of money and wanted to show off. Plus, he’s a cajun.

Hairdresser hates me and won’t talk to me. I swear her brother is stalking me.

The Mexican and I tried to date, but it didn’t get anywhere. She’s still a friend and gym buddy, and I can see us hooking up, as there is sexual chemistry there, but she’s very Catholic and I think her family is a little racist towards actual Indians — she basically shooed me off when they were in town.

I ran into Pyscho at the supermarket, and we ended up hooking up at a house down on the river she takes care of for out-of-towners that’s literally about 50 feet away. (She needed help “moving something” so I went over there.)

She’s got a boyfriend, at least theoretically, so we’re just fucking once a week or so. Very casual. Pretty much meet at one of her rental houses, fuck, and leave. Really good sex is all we had in common, anyway, so this is fine with me.

I’m actually dating a teacher from El Paso.

If drinking is a necessity at certain functions, you can try to fake it. Of course, if people are pouring shots for you, you might just have to take it, but you can certainly fake the beer drinking. [/quote]

Actually, shots were the easiest to avoid — you “shoot the shot” — swig it in your mouth, then follow with a beer chaser — whereupon you spit the alcohol into the beer bottle, then go pour out the beer.

(I learned this from Pat Green, a country singer.)

The think that killed me was the wait staff — if your drink was empty or close to it, a new one was put in your hand.