I got a pretty bad story. One night me and my two buddies were drinking bacardi. We were making mixies with code red. I had about 3 mixies which were probably 55% code red and 45% bacardi. I finish of my last bottle at a friends house and then we go driving around. I notice that theres still some bacardi left in the bottle so i start swigging the rest of it thinking theres just a little left haha.
Next thing I remember I’m outside my friends house and we go in and im struggling up the stairs. We go into his little sisters room for a second and she’s sleeping and I lean on her head. THen we go into my buddies room and he gets me some water and i take a sip and dump the rest over my head. All the while we’re watching mtv and the music and the video is just making me so dizzy. Next thing i remember I wake up and smell the most horendous scent ever. I look back and there is shit and puke all over my boxers and down my legs. I look at my clothes and they are just covered in puke and shit. I go to take a shower and puke some more. Then get out of the shower and puke in his sink. He take me home and shows me where i chucked the bottle out in front of his car while we were driving. Then he tells me that there was still like 4 or 5 shot left in the bottle when i drank the rest. Then i got home puked and then dry heaved after that. This was my first time just being comletely wasted and I definetly didn’t think i would drink again. But I just stuck to beer because the smell of hard liquor made me gag.
Wow you guys have some f’d up stories. I’ve heard some crazy ones of my own-some of my best friends were/are in the navy stationed at Coronado. Crazy Mexico stories…
I was at a house party a few weeks ago and they had a keg of anchor steam which I love, normally keg beer you gotta choke down. I lost count how much beer I drank. These days I hardly drink at all compared to when I was in college. Later that night I met some people who passed a bowl around of some herb they got from Humbolt which is like top of the line outdoor. Needless to say, I was having a grand ole time.
I too work at an ER and I had to go to work the next morning at 7am. I looked at my watch and it was like 1:30. So my girlfriend drove us home. Woke up at 6:15 still drunk and high, but I HAD to go to work-nobody else can do what I do so essentially unless I am puking up a lung I can’t call in sick. I was totally paranoid everyone knew I was drunk-probably from the weed. It was a long shift, but between the soda crackers, 4 cups of coffee I had and the nurses thinking I was tired I somehow made it through…
Alcohol content in beer and shots is usually similar. Most beers have more alcohol in them though.
Drunk math.
proof = %alcohol x 2 . % is per ounce.
hence 80 proof Cuervo has 40%, or .4 oz alcohol per 1 oz shot.
Most domestic beer in the US is around 4.5 to 5% alcohol.
12 oz X 4.75% (we’ll split the difference) = .57 oz alcohol per can. More alcohol in a can of Bud than a shot of Cuervo.
As far as why four shots hit harder than four beers, i would suspect that you probably will slam four shots in a shorter time sapn thatn four beers, hence it hits your system faster. And it may be psycholgical. Alcohol is alcohol is alcohol chemically.
So why do I get mean as hell and psychotic off of Crown Royal and stoned mellow on Bacardi Anejo?
[quote]danreeves1973 wrote:
As far as why four shots hit harder than four beers, i would suspect that you probably will slam four shots in a shorter time sapn thatn four beers, hence it hits your system faster. And it may be psycholgical. Alcohol is alcohol is alcohol chemically.
So why do I get mean as hell and psychotic off of Crown Royal and stoned mellow on Bacardi Anejo?
Dilution is your answer. Beer is mostly water. Shots are half to mostly alcohol. You drink nearly 12oz. of beer for the little bit of alcohol in it. A shot is not as diluted, and has a higher content of alcohol per volume compared to beer. Thus, shots hit you like a hammer.