My First Cycle

Hey guys, verufy my first cycle, open for discussion/criticism. Thank you

Weeks 1-12 Test e 500mg
Weeks 1-10 Proviron 25mg e/d
Weeks 11-14 Proviron 50mg e/d
weeks 15-17 Nolvadex 40mg e/d
weeks 18-19 Nolvadex 20mg e/d
Weeks 15-9 DAA 3g e/d

Post cycle I’ll also be adding vitamin c, BCAA’s and a PWO to provide a bit of support for keeping my gains.
I am 23, 1.85m at 10% bf,189 pounds. I have 6 years training logged behind me.
Diet is very strict, keeping it at around 3000 calories a day, protein 40%, carbs 40% and fats 20%.

probably could go only 4 weeks on the nolva 40/40/40/40. no clomid?

[quote]jackedup45 wrote:
probably could go only 4 weeks on the nolva 40/40/40/40. no clomid?[/quote]
*** 40/40/20/20

Looks good, 4 week pct is sufficient