It’s a new year and I am finally doing my first cycle. I am stacking d bol and test prop. I will add in proviron two weeks into the cycle. And pct will be a nolva taper. I have been reading into a test taper as a pct also but I currently do not know enough about it to actually go that route. I my dosing will look like this.
Week 1-6 D Bol 50mg ED split into three dosings
Week 1-8 Prop 175mg EOD
Week 3-8 Proviron 25mg ED
For my PCT I will be following FuriousGeorge’s PCT option number 1
Week 9 Nolva 20mg/2xday
Week 10-12 Nolva 20mg ED
I realize that most of the more educated people on the subject of AAS may say that I am much too young to be thinking of using, however, I have come to a point in my athletic and lifting career where I feel that the time to start is now. And being that I am in college I need to accelerate the body a lil quicker while i’m still in school. I’m really putting this up as a way for people to see the before, during, and after effects. I’ll post some before pics from a few weeks before i started, and i’ll put some progress pics up from time to time to.
I’d like to know that you are well into college, at least (meaning older than 21).
If you are going to do this anyway (and there are an absolute slough of guys on here right now that are either too young, too inexperienced, or too skinny to be contemplating using at this point but they basically only listen to the advice they want to hear anyway), then I’d say your cycle is almost okay.
I would start with 30mg/d Dbol and see how it treats you. If you have good dbol, you almost certainly will not need more than this, and with dbol, you can tell right away. I second eg’s proposal of only 4 weeks of dbol. That will be plenty, imo.
Prop dosage looks okay. I like ED better than EOD for prop, but it’s probably fine and most people who are not me don’t enjoy shooting ED.
I’d double the dosage of proviron, but honestly for such a short cycle you could probably save your money.
If the stats in your profile are for real at least you have the training and eating part of things down.
I’m in my fourth year of college and turned 21 earlier this year. I can easily double the proviron if you think its necessary. I will probably cut the d bol down to 4 weeks, but i’ll most likely stay at 50mg ED.
So I am now a little over a week into my cycle and this is what I have found. My strength has already shot through the roof. I went from doing sets of 8 at 285lbs in the squat rack to doing 315lbs without a problem. As far as injections are going I like to stick with just the glutes and that has been working out well for me. I am a bit sore the next day but after that the injection sites are fine. I look forward to every injection, its borderline addicting.
As far as the d bol goes, I have read about people liking it because of the pump and I have found that it does give a great pump. I think the only thing that I didn’t really like is the pumps I get in my forearms. I don’t know if this is just me but I seem to get forearm pumps with almost anything that I do.
It just makes it a little hard when trying to finish some exercises such as holding the bar for RDL’s or something like that.
Its been a 10 days on gear and I have gained about 7lbs. My diet really hasn’t been on point like I would like it to be, I got back on campus and haven’t had any money until this financial aid money finally came in. I expect to be picking up much more cleaner weight.
As far as sides are concerned, I don’t have any hair loss or growth, I have never had acne in my life and its not starting now. The one issue that I think I did pick up unfortunatley is a bit of gyno. I don’t feel that its really bad…yet, however, it is there. It started about two days ago I was getting out of the shower and drying off and my nips were a lil bit tender.
Overall it is going very good so far. It feels like I’ve been on forever but is only been a little over a week. I’m looking forward to what the next 7 weeks are going to bring. I’ll be posting some pics either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. I only have like two horrible before pics, but they should do the job well enough.
I really think you should consider rotating sites at some point. I along some of the other guys on here actually like injecting ED. I personally really enjoy bicep injections. Try quads and ventro glutes both are very easy and will be needed when you start using more than one compound. I like slin pins for almost every body part though I am pretty lean. I second starting Nolva ASAP and also buy some anastrozole.
Seperate note: please dont start cycling if you cant afford food, its really ridiculous that this even needs to be said.
Be carefull in about weeks 2-3 because of back pumps due to the high doses of dbols. Some do not get this but I just came off of 50mg/ed for 3weeks (was going for 4 but the pumps were too much). Definitely get some Anastrozole on hand because dbols at that dose can mean some horrible gyno if not watched carefully.
[quote]Dynamo Hum wrote:
Hey buddy if you are not using an AI, you better hit up some nolva immediately before you end up with permanent gyno.
Also you need to be using an AI to keep estrogen in check on cycle as dbol and prop both aromatize heavily.[/quote]
Yep I’ve just got on the Nolva and have some arimidex on the way, thanks.
[quote]egnatiosj wrote:
I really think you should consider rotating sites at some point. I along some of the other guys on here actually like injecting ED. I personally really enjoy bicep injections. Try quads and ventro glutes both are very easy and will be needed when you start using more than one compound. I like slin pins for almost every body part though I am pretty lean. I second starting Nolva ASAP and also buy some anastrozole.
Seperate note: please dont start cycling if you cant afford food, its really ridiculous that this even needs to be said.[/quote]
I keep looking up the ventro glute site, but i’ve been pretty confused by the definitions that I have found. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated.
Its not that I couldn’t afford food, I have an on campus meal plan and was able to eat there 3 times a day, but I didn’t have much of anything else back at the crib.
To pin ventro glute, triangulate three bone sites with your finger or thumb and shoot in the center of the three. You can make an indentation mark with a pen cap once you locate the spot if it puts you more at ease.
That was the least painful injection I have done so far. I was a lil nervous I was gonna go in the wrong spot at first but I love that spot and it may be my new favorite.
Great base for a first cycle. You’re gonna love it. It’s wonderful to see someone on here who has not only done the research, but has also done the fundamental work to get to the level he should have attained before starting. I look forward to seeing your results. Keep us posted!