Now I know this has been discussed a while back by P-22 and T1gNaL1 and there were some great ideas discussed then.
With my first cycle last year, PCT ended horribly with me feeling irritable and moody like hell and losing gains. I was on a Nolva 20mg/day regime for a month. Blood tests then showed me having low test levels still.
Total Testosterone - 4.1nmol/L (8.0 - 26.0)
It took a while before things started to ‘feel’ normal and that really annoyed the hell out of me.
The next cycle, I was knew I had to try something different. Test Tapering made perfect sense to me.
Earlier this year I did a 12 week cycle.
Test Prop - 100mg EOD
Masteron - 100mg EOD
For my PCT/Taper, I decided to use a combination of Test Enanthate and Nolva.
Week 1 - 100mg Test E
Week 2 - 100mg Test E
Week 3 - 75mg Test E
Week 4 - 50mg Test E
Week 5 - 50mg Test E & 40mg/Nolva/Day
Week 6 - 25mg Test E & 30mg/Nolva/Day
Week 7 - 20mg/Nolva/Day
Week 8 - 10mg/Nolva/Day
Then I tapered off the Nolva dose every 5 days with 7.5mg, 5mg, 2.5mg and then finally 0.
All throughout PCT, I felt great, had heaps of energy and didn’t feel any mood swings at all.
I kept most of my gains and was pretty lean still from my cutting cycle. The transition from being on-cycle to PCT and off-cycle was so seamless that I didn’t even notice anything.
To prove this point, I had a blood test done last week.
Total Testosterone - 15.7 nmol/L (8.0 - 26.0)
The result was exactly the same as a reference test I took 2 years ago before I ever used AAS.
Hope this info might prove useful to you guys out there.