I received some messages awhile back asking to post my results from my test taper that I was going to try…well here you go
First, I wanna thank everyone that posted/responded to my post about the test taper with all your help.
My bulking cycle was a pretty heavy one consisting of:
Sus 250mgs EOD for 12 weeks
Winny 100mgs EOD for 6 weeks
Anadrol 50mgs ED for 6 weeks
I went from a very lean 218lbs to 258lbs in just 12 weeks with relatively small bf gains.
The taper consisted of 10 more weeks looking like this:
weeks 1-6: test prop 100mgs every week
week 7: test prop 80 mgs
week 8: test prop 60 mgs
week 9: test prop 40 mgs
week 10: test prop 20 mgs
In the end, I only lost 3lbs and maybe 10lbs across the board on all my core lifts. None of the usual side effects either. I love this tapering method and plan to use it again in the future.
yea, solid gains. Like 5.0 asked, how far off the taper are you? If you’ve only lost 3, and are a while through, thats awesome man. but still. 40lbs is awesome!
Likely going to taper off this one that im on as well. Awesome results, would like to know where your at say 6-8 weeks from the end of the taper as well.
Here’s another question, did your body fight you, putting on all those pounds? I got up to 30lbs heavier this cycle, and I just started feeling like shit most of the time. Cranky in the mornings, body parts falling asleep on me left and right, couldn’t sleep worth a damn. I’ve finally almost adjusted to the new weight, but it’s been rough.
[quote]Cortes wrote:
Here’s another question, did your body fight you, putting on all those pounds? I got up to 30lbs heavier this cycle, and I just started feeling like shit most of the time. Cranky in the mornings, body parts falling asleep on me left and right, couldn’t sleep worth a damn. I’ve finally almost adjusted to the new weight, but it’s been rough.[/quote]
I went through the same things, Cortes. Limbs falling asleep, etc. Although I’m cranky most of the time, as it is. I snored like a mofo, too. Wife still complains…
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Likely going to taper off this one that im on as well. Awesome results, would like to know where your at say 6-8 weeks from the end of the taper as well.[/quote]
I love your Dawgs, LG…Have been emailing the pic to my Dawg loving pals with good results, despite the “redeye”…/;-D
[quote]fiveoh01 wrote:
Cortes wrote:
Here’s another question, did your body fight you, putting on all those pounds? I got up to 30lbs heavier this cycle, and I just started feeling like shit most of the time. Cranky in the mornings, body parts falling asleep on me left and right, couldn’t sleep worth a damn. I’ve finally almost adjusted to the new weight, but it’s been rough.
I went through the same things, Cortes. Limbs falling asleep, etc. Although I’m cranky most of the time, as it is. I snored like a mofo, too. Wife still complains…[/quote]
Ha ha, I have had the same problem but had never seen it mentioned by anyone else before.
[quote]fiveoh01 wrote:
Cortes wrote:
Here’s another question, did your body fight you, putting on all those pounds? I got up to 30lbs heavier this cycle, and I just started feeling like shit most of the time. Cranky in the mornings, body parts falling asleep on me left and right, couldn’t sleep worth a damn. I’ve finally almost adjusted to the new weight, but it’s been rough.
I went through the same things, Cortes. Limbs falling asleep, etc. Although I’m cranky most of the time, as it is. I snored like a mofo, too. Wife still complains…[/quote]
count me in as well…(limbs) why the hell does that happen?
[quote]Johnny367 wrote:
I received some messages awhile back asking to post my results from my test taper that I was going to try…well here you go
First, I wanna thank everyone that posted/responded to my post about the test taper with all your help.
My bulking cycle was a pretty heavy one consisting of:
Sus 250mgs EOD for 12 weeks
Winny 100mgs EOD for 6 weeks
Anadrol 50mgs ED for 6 weeks
I went from a very lean 218lbs to 258lbs in just 12 weeks with relatively small bf gains.
The taper consisted of 10 more weeks looking like this:
weeks 1-6: test prop 100mgs every week
week 7: test prop 80 mgs
week 8: test prop 60 mgs
week 9: test prop 40 mgs
week 10: test prop 20 mgs
In the end, I only lost 3lbs and maybe 10lbs across the board on all my core lifts. None of the usual side effects either. I love this tapering method and plan to use it again in the future.
Again, thanks to everyone who helped.
just wondering…how much did somthing like that cost?
Yeah I was shocked, I gained 40lbs and so far i’ve kept 37 of it. diet is still exactly the same as it was when i started bulking so i’m eating a ton. I’m at week 8 of the taper now and still going strong.
Side Effects of gaining so much weight SUCKED, except for the weight and strength gains of course. I began snoring really bad when sleeping and kept the woman up all night. My blood pressure went through the roof (150/100) and i couldn’t run 10 feet without getting winded. HOWEVER, I did put almost 100lbs on all my core movements.
My diet was pretty simple, although a pain in my ass. EVERY meal was over 100 grams of complex carbs except for post workout shakes. Most of the time I would eat 2 cups of straight oatmeal and a chicken breast. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, fish, lean beef/steak and multi-vitamins were included as well. This all added up to a minimum of 600 grams of carbs a day and around 300 of protein. A local bodybuilder instructed me on this diet and it worked very well.
Goes to show how much of an importance diet really plays in the scheme of things. That is really amazing. I am hoping to have results very similar to you (if not better) when I start my first cycle soon.
[quote]Johnny367 wrote:
Yeah I was shocked, I gained 40lbs and so far i’ve kept 37 of it. diet is still exactly the same as it was when i started bulking so i’m eating a ton. I’m at week 8 of the taper now and still going strong.
Side Effects of gaining so much weight SUCKED, except for the weight and strength gains of course. I began snoring really bad when sleeping and kept the woman up all night. My blood pressure went through the roof (150/100) and i couldn’t run 10 feet without getting winded. HOWEVER, I did put almost 100lbs on all my core movements.
My diet was pretty simple, although a pain in my ass. EVERY meal was over 100 grams of complex carbs except for post workout shakes. Most of the time I would eat 2 cups of straight oatmeal and a chicken breast. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, fish, lean beef/steak and multi-vitamins were included as well. This all added up to a minimum of 600 grams of carbs a day and around 300 of protein. A local bodybuilder instructed me on this diet and it worked very well.[/quote]
[quote]Jakebambeeno wrote:
Goes to show how much of an importance diet really plays in the scheme of things. That is really amazing. I am hoping to have results very similar to you (if not better) when I start my first cycle soon.
Johnny367 wrote:
Yeah I was shocked, I gained 40lbs and so far i’ve kept 37 of it. diet is still exactly the same as it was when i started bulking so i’m eating a ton. I’m at week 8 of the taper now and still going strong.
Side Effects of gaining so much weight SUCKED, except for the weight and strength gains of course. I began snoring really bad when sleeping and kept the woman up all night. My blood pressure went through the roof (150/100) and i couldn’t run 10 feet without getting winded. HOWEVER, I did put almost 100lbs on all my core movements.
My diet was pretty simple, although a pain in my ass. EVERY meal was over 100 grams of complex carbs except for post workout shakes. Most of the time I would eat 2 cups of straight oatmeal and a chicken breast. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, fish, lean beef/steak and multi-vitamins were included as well. This all added up to a minimum of 600 grams of carbs a day and around 300 of protein. A local bodybuilder instructed me on this diet and it worked very well.
It’s been said time and time again: It’s not the gear, it’s the diet.
To Jake - I’d say those results are a little outside the norm. It’s important to have goals, but to want better than that is probably a bit unrealistic.
The addition of 100lbs to the core exercises would have me worried about ligament and tendon damage. Those don’t get stronger at the same rate as the muscles. When you find that out, it’s too late!
It’s been said time and time again: It’s not the gear, it’s the diet.[/quote]
Well, in my opinion, it is both gear+diet. One without the other = unsatisfying results.
[quote]To Jake - I’d say those results are a little outside the norm. It’s important to have goals, but to want better than that is probably a bit unrealistic.
The addition of 100lbs to the core exercises would have me worried about ligament and tendon damage. Those don’t get stronger at the same rate as the muscles. When you find that out, it’s too late![/quote]
Excellent post 5.0. I think you’re spot on with respect to being concerned about the joints.