Right, i’m assuming i’m going to get at least some flaming, but i’ve got the next year as an ideal opportunity to bulk up and and get stronger, so I thought i’d pick up advice on my physique while I start.
I’m 5 ft 11, 175lbs, (down from 190) due to injury and aiming for as big as possible without being a fatty.
Bench: 200 for 5
Squat: 191 for 10
Deadlift: 275 for 5
Currently on an upper lower split, with chest and back in one session, arms and shoulders in the other, and legs split between quad dominant and hamstring dominant.
Diet, high protein, medium carbs medium fat, lots of fruit and veg. Chicken, eggs, lentils, chick peas, nuts, oats etc 5-6 small meals a day + whey shakes/ protein bars. ALthough i oftern cheat on weekends.
Another pic
front pic and leg pic
There you go, I must have been uploading as you typed!
Nevermind, lol.
good start on training.
How the hell did you get 191x10 on squats? 191???
Well were do I start, you want some advice, the best advice I could give you is to delete this post!!!
Also… on your lat spread… spread your lats instead of flexing your traps. see my avatar (not that it’s impressive, but you can see the difference in the pose)
looks like you have a good routine down
I did 275x5 earlier this week so I give u a 5.
Thanks steve…the squats will probably be due to my short legs, going to parallel/lower isn’t very far for me! and its an odd number because I do 87kg as thats the increments my weights go in at home and in lbs thats 191…
And forgot to mention, although I haven’t ‘‘got a physique’’ as some might say, I want to have somewhere to be held accountable for my training and give me the most motivation to get bigger.
[quote]steveo-g wrote:
Well were do I start, you want some advice, the best advice I could give you is to delete this post!!![/quote]
Ignore that twat, especially considering he is about same height and weight as you.
Besides… you can’t delete a post or picture.
I was trying to spread my lats! FAIL
[quote]toby_w wrote:
thanks steve…the squats will probably be due to my short legs, going to parallel/lower isn’t very far for me! and its an odd number because I do 87kg as thats the increments my weights go in at home and in lbs thats 191…
And forgot to mention, although I haven’t ‘‘got a physique’’ as some might say, I want to have somewhere to be held accountable for my training and give me the most motivation to get bigger.[/quote]
As you say you have no physique to rate so why post this in the rate my physique section that was my point. You would be better of posting in the beginners section and avoid a flaming altogether.
Why don’t people read the sticky? Your physique is really suited to the beginner’s section.
The only advice you’ll get here is to eat and train more. You are too young in training years to expect anything else. You are also not at the stage where you have to worry about weak points.
Have you looked at any of the other posts on here? Why in gods name would you think… I mean christ… have you any idea what you’re getting yourself into?
Sigh… I wish you luck.
Well this is awkward, probably should have posted in the beginners section, having re-assessed the situation. Oh well its here now, I’ll add training updates and picture updates in a few months anyway though.
[quote]toby_w wrote:
Well this is awkward, probably should have posted in the beginners section, having re-assessed the situation. Oh well its here now, I’ll add training updates and picture updates in a few months anyway though.
Fair play dude good luck with your training
You seem to be choosing foods well. Lentils and beans are probably the best ‘starchy’ carbs for almost anyone trying to gain mass. Try to get some vegetables down as well though. Bags of mixed steamed veggies (great value brand) are dirt cheap.
Your squat is very low compared to your bench…make squatting a priority and hit those three wheels in the next year (as well as 4 plates in the deadlift) Train your chest with dumbbells once you get 2 plates (or even now).
Also learn to pose right away! It will help you observe your development better and also help it a lot.
When you flex your traps, they PREVENT your shoulders from separating and allowing your lats to flex properly. So DEPRESS your traps actively when pushing your shoulder blades out AFAP (while turning your arms inward hard) for a RLS.
Cheers tribunaldude, my suqat is coming back up, I stopped squatting for about 3 months, throug firstly injury and then choosing deads/leg extensions as my leg work in full bodies. I think I’ll switch over to dumbells when I stop improving on the bar.
Here in the UK you can buy your lentils/beans/pulses fresh and tinned and per 100g the nutritional values are as follows (chick peas) 7.2 g protein, 14.7g carbs, 2.9g fat and 4.1 g fibre
however dried puy lentils are as follows
24.6 g protein 49.4 g carbs 1.2g fat 11.8g fibre
talk about a super food!