Hi! I was thinking about it, but i think it would cause much more problems like a hormonal roller coaster… once you stop the hcg, the additional benefits are also gone.
I will wait 2 more weeks for sure, to hit the 8th week mark, and if i still have the sympthoms, i will consider 2x weekly 250iu hcg in addition to my TRT dose.
The only “side effect” that i have now at the 6th week no AI is the heart palpitations, and daily 2-3 times eyelid twiching.
Week 6 without AI, i feel increased libido, since 1 week every day morning wood for hours.
Started to get pimples on my back and traps and shoulder area.
Headache, eyelid twiching, muscle cramps and heart palpitations still occur but just a handful time / day. Oh and i feel needle pin like feelings in my ears, and hands sometimes, mostly morning and at night.
Week 7 without AI. Acne is coming, i feel much better, i mean mood, libido, anger, calmness and so on. Had a terrible headache and ear ringing in the last 4 days. Today I feel fine. No palpitations at all today. Excited to see week 8!
Im on Test E only, its been 3 weeks since i stopped Masteron E.
Week 8 without AI, nothing special has happened so far. But my condition is definitely not so terrible now, i can sleep and rest without any issue. Eyelid twiching is still here, i have sensitive nipples, libido is good. Stomach is good, palpitations only after training.