My Bigger, Stronger, Leaner Meet Report

Meet went pretty well. I weighed in at 215lbs. Went 7/9


  1. 565lbs - Good Lift
  2. 615lbs - Good Lift, 5lb PR
  3. 635lbs - Good Lift , 25lb PR


  1. 375lbs - Good Lift - 5lb PR
  2. 400lbs - Good Lift - 30lb PR
  3. 410lbs - No Lift, Gassed


  1. 600lbs - Good Lift
  2. 665lbs - Good Lift, 5lb PR
  3. 700lbs - No Lift, Gassed

I totaled 1700lbs, which is a 40lbs up from October. My two misses on the bench and deadlift I feel are more from fatigue rather than the weight being too heavy… if that makes any sense. Had the stars been lined up perfectly for me yesterday, I feel that I ahd more than a fighting chance to get either the 410 bench or the 700 pull. The strength is there, I just need to show up next time. As for right now, I’m taking the next few months as an offseason and get back into shape and work on my weak points. My gym, Total Performance Sports is holding in a meet October 12-13, that’ll most likely be the next meet I’ll do.

I’m enjoying my meet performance for today, but tomorrow it’s back to this:

Congrats to Det…You really earned it.

Smart training + hard work seriously pays off.

Continuously amazed, impressed, and proud of your progress.

Det is arguably the most pragmatic, consistent, and tenacious person I’ve ever worked with and I don’t see him stopping until he’s written his way into the record books. A nearly 8x bodyweight raw total at 23…unreal.

Amazing work! Nice job and well deserved!

Excellent work man. Impressive and inspirational.

Awesome, you are great man!

nice job man, even though I saw the results from teh facebookz!

Good stuff. Walking the walk.


Great job Det! That is some solid work…really solid.

All that at your age is doing work.

TheTazFromIcePlanetHoth -

That’s impressive lifting. You had me at “Squat Opener at 565”

Awesome job! : )



[quote]Widowmakr wrote:

you set up a troll account just to post this?

Would you mind posting up your typical diet.

Also, what if any supps you take (inc. ‘general health’ stuff if you do) and your usual workout nutrition.

What nutritional approach if any are you taking to improve your body comp (think you said that was a goal)


[quote]yolo84 wrote:

[quote]Widowmakr wrote:

you set up a troll account just to post this?[/quote]

LOL aware

amazing! any tips on how to stay injury free whilst lifting so heavy?

70s Big contacted me to do an interview and they’re asking their audience if there’s “any questions you would like him to answer?”

So if you guys do have questions for me, post on their facebook and I’ll answer whatever questions you guys have on that format.

Very cool.

[quote]yolo84 wrote:

[quote]Widowmakr wrote:

you set up a troll account just to post this?[/quote]

Must be someone who doesnt like him. Excellent work those numbers are crazy hard to believe you are a twenty three year old. Your future seems bright indeed.

[quote]Widowmakr wrote:


I love and hate you sometimes </3