Any input is welcome. I’m 41 years old and have been weight training since the age of 15. I actively competed in MMA from 2004-2019. I currently still train and coach. I’m just trying to stay athletic and mobile. I’m still doing quite well against younger training partners and I’m trying to hang on to that for as long as possible. So here is my current program.
Day 1: Athlete Day
-Axle bar Zercher squat w/ chains for speed (these are done from a box just lower than 90), superset with seated broad jumps 5 sets of 3 each (I use a fat bar bc I have tendinitis and the fat bar doesn’t hurt so bad)
-Landmine punch press / standing Russian twist 5x5
-Axle bar kneeling ab roll-out to clean and press (I use a suicide grip to further work my grip for grappling). 3 sets of 10-8-6, progressive overload
-End with 62lb double KB front rack carries to failure, immediately transition to 80lb KB farmer’s carries to failure for 3 sets
Day 2: Push / Pull- Strength / Hypertrophy
-Standing strict overhead press x5, immediately perform push-press x5 for 3 sets
-Cambered Football bar floor press w/ chains / Weighted pull-ups 5x5
-Trapbar DL w/ chains 5x5
-Unilateral DB bench (press both db’s, do 5 reps left, 5 reps right, 3 to 5 reps together), superset with KB sumo row (5 reps left, 5 reps right, 5 reps together explosively) also, my non working arm is isometrically driving into the KB while I perform reps on the working side.
-Incline DB bench / chest supported DB row 15-12-10-8
-DB RDL (toes elevated and banded at the hips) 3x12
-End with 45lb KB Gorilla cleans x10 / 45lb KB alternating Z-press x10 / Toes to bar for 3 to 5 rounds
Day 3: Lower body (I only use KB’s and DB’s due to sciatica. I no longer put any type of load directly onto my spine)
-Double KB front rack squat 5x5 on squat wedge, ATG
-DB forward lunges 5x5
-Double KB front rack step-ups to reverse lunge 3x5 (step-up right leg, reverse lunge left leg, repeat on other side)
-End with Bulgarian split squat right leg x10, drop weight perform 10 split squat jumps, repeat on other side for 3 sets.
Day 4: Small muscle groups
-Axle bar hang clean and press with suicide grip 5x5 (mostly for grip but I can yoke up more weight than I initially thought as I’m ending with around 160lbs at 180lbs BW)
-Seated DB overhead press / Hammer curl / upright row 15-12-10-8 (for upright rows I use a fat rope through a KB handle for added grip training)
-Weighted dips / Gladiator curls 15-12-10-8
-Axle bar skull crushers / Rope curls (Again I slide fat rope through a KB handle for added grip training)
-End with KB / push-up complex as follows
-clap push-ups x20
-80lb kb swings x20
-dive bomber push-ups x20
-80lb kb swings x20
-diamond push-ups x20
-80lb kb swings x20
-spider man push-ups x20
-80lb kb swings x20
-regular push-ups x20
-80lb kb swings x20
Thanks for reading guys. I look forward to any feedback.