Muscle Size

I am stuck on a problem. My back is dense but not very wide, and my chest is wide but not very dense. How do I solve this problem and widen my back and thicken my chest? Currently I am doing Chest; Flat Bench-1 set warmup, 2nd set 10 reps, third to failure(about 8-10 with 210 lbs), Incline Bench-no warm up but 2 sets of 8-10 reps(120lbs) and 3rd set to failure(170lbs), Incline Flies-same as above(50lbs all sets). Back; Lat Pulldowns with a wide grip-1 set warmup(20x70lbs), 2nd 8-10 reps(100lbs), 3rd to failure(150lbs), Yates Rows-2 sets of 10-12(100lbs), 3rd set to failure, Deadlifts-1set warmup(20x130lbs), 2nd set 10-12(200lbs), 3rd set to failure(300lbs). I never do the exercises in the same order two workouts in a row and I train chest and back on the same day with shoulders. I have played with increasing my weight, then I tried decreasing it and increasing my reps but I just seem to get a thicker back and a wider chest. I am getting good gains but I just want to improve in these areas. I look good standing still but I hit a front double biceps and my chest dissapears, and I can’t do a lat pose if my life depended on it. Thanks.

Your missing the best excersises for what your after, which is why you don’t have the thickness or width you want.

For chest, best for thickness is weighted dips.
For Lats, best for width is pull ups and all different types, don’t just do wide grip.

Reps are to high and there are better exercises to do. My routineis this: Flat bench 4sets 4-6 reps heavy, incline flies 3 sets 4-8reps, cable cross over 3 sets slow, weight is not as important as form, make sure you get a good stretch, dips 3 sets as many as you can do. Back: Deadlift 4 sets 4-6reps heavy as you can go, bent over rows 3sets 4-6 reps, seated rows 3 sets 4-6reps and pull ups 3 sets as many as you can do.