September 23, 2016, 2:27pm
Just to make sure: You believe fullbody works best? Or was it a reason against fullbody? Sorry for the confusion!
As for the programming you helped me with - which I am really thankful for - I guess that it would be done like you describe here?
Cycles 1-2: start with 85% TM
Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)
Squat 5’s PRO
Bench 5x5 @ SSL
inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps back extensions 50 reps
Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)
Deadlift – 5’s PRO - 5x5 @ SSL
Press – 5’s PRO - 5x5 @ SSL
chins 50 reps push ups 50 reps hanging leg raises 50 reps
Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)
Bench – 5’s PRO
Squat – 5x5 @ SSL
7th Week Protocol after second cycle is over
Let’s not use a sledgehammer either.
Cycles 3-4 - switch to 3/5/1 - only go for PR’s on 1 and 3rd week.
Agile 8
box jumps 10
hit tire with sledge hammer 5 mins (dont have medicine ball in garage)
Squat 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets
Bench 5x5 @ FSL
inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps back extensions 50 reps
Agile 8
box jumps 20
Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets, 3x5 FSL
Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets, 3x5 FSL
chins 50 reps push ups 50 reps hanging leg raises 50 reps
Agile 8
box jumps 20
Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps - PR sets
Squat – 5x5 @ FSL
inverted rows 50 reps dips 50 reps curls 50 reps
Would there be anyways to include the power clean? What would be needed to pull out, if it’s even possible? If not i won’t try to fit it in.
Thanks a lot for your response Jim Wendler!