Mr Roberts, want $100?!?!?!?

On another bodybuilding forum a well known man calling himself “The Raver” says:
"There is not one I repeat NONE, no studies or documentation that prove T3 can shut down or degrade thyroid activity or output. If anybody can prove to me there is-I will gladly pay them $100.)

The Raver claims to use 1mcg per lb of bodyweight OR MORE! He says people often see nothing from 50-100mcg of T3 daily. He says at 200-300mcg the fat loss is "Amazing" and all the pros due at least 200mcg!

So is there a study? Show me so I can collect!
It is a bold statment-however I have yet to see anyone prove him wrong.

(All I see are posts saying “Raver is right I did 250mcg for 8 weeks and lost 25lbs of fat!-with no rebound.”)

Could it be some Dr made all of it up to shy people away from the high doses (that can hurt the heart?) And we just bought it & thought hm makes sense-no reason to test this theory!?

Actually there are no studies. In fact everyone thinks the shut down happens because of speculation and anecdotal evidence. Brock stated a while back that (after talking to endocrinologist) the thyroid will not shut down after repeated small cycles.

I beleive the Raver is right-he is very smart

Is the same true for triax??

Same is true for triax. The thyroid does shut down during the cycle, but the point he is trying to make is that there is no long-term damage to it. As soon as there is no exogenous hormone in your system, it comes back online and is none the worse for it’s time off.

Ok there are 2 ways to approach this question…

  1. Does cycling thyroid hormone for a few weeks on then a few weeks off damage the thyroid long term?..With this one the answer is probably no but we really cant be too sure since you are going to be putting your body in a thyrotoxic situation at (yes, that’s thyriod toxicity). And forgive me if I dont take Mr Raver’s word for it.

As far as the other approach to the question, 2) Is there a rebound after taking thyroid?..there IS research on this. One study in the New England Journal of Medicine (Vagenakis et al) 293, 68-684, 1975…This study showed that thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4) took at least 5-9 weeks to recover to “normal” thyroid hormone production (and this normal production was met when the hormones reached the low limits of normal, not the ideal levels). That sounds like 5-9 weeks of low metabolic rate and fat gain to me!

Given the exact statement quoted, “There is not one I
repeat NONE, no studies or documentation that
prove T3 can shut down or degrade thyroid activity
or output. If anybody can prove to me there is-I will
gladly pay them $100)” Mr Raver is pitifully incorrect. At the moment I have not gone to find specific examples but it would be no trouble. Not only that but many people on this board have had their TSH measured and found it depressed from T3 usage. In fact, medically T3 (or T4) dosage is often calibrated specifically by increasing hormone dosage until TSH falls to where desired. I mean this is basic medical knowledge. Read Goodman and Gilman, for example.

However, I noticed that some respondents think that Mr Raver meant something different from what he said, that he was accepting the idea that TSH might decrease while using T3 (however his statement does not say this) and was talking instead about effect after discontinuing T3 (however his statement does not say this.)

It is correct that thyroid production normally recovers after a T3 cycle even of a couple of months and I don’t personally know of any exceptions.

I vehemently disagree with Mr Raver’s dosage recommendation. It doesn’t give significantly faster fat loss than lower dose. It is simply drug abuse.

I have seen other posts by the Raver, and his wording here does not correctly state his position. He simply believes that there is no long-term or permanent inhibition to the thyroid, regardless of dose or length of cycle. He is not so stupid as to think that your thyroid is not shut down during the cycle! The board in question (of which he is a monitor), has had several lengthy discussions of the topic.