Mr. Olympia-Are You Kidding Me?

[quote]harris447 wrote:
steelwheels wrote:
ytbones wrote:
Alexander Federov finished in 19th place. Wasn’t he supposed to be the dark horse in the contest??

Seems these days the dark horses stay in the dark. If they’re lucky they break the top 8 after 4-5 years competing in the Mr O… Then they make the top 3 after 6-8 years, but have to hang around knowing the aren’t going to get a better result until the reigning Mr. O. retires.

What a load of horsecrap BB is!

ps. I am a competitive bodybuilder, but the whole pro scene stinks!

I gotta agree. I love bodybuilding, but if you go to Flex’s website and look at the pix of the pre-judging…it just seems so, so, so odd. Page after page of oily, lumpy dudes in thongs painted brown with these weird grimaces on their faces.

I will say that Gunter looked incredible. Uually he looks like a fat fuck (comparatively), but I think he could have placed higher than the fourth he got this year.

But, speaking of Germans, Markus Ruhl looks sick. Not good-sick. Cancer-sick. Anyone else get that from the pictures?


Markus R?hl had a Surgery one week before the contest. Maybe that has to do with that.

But this guy is really funny. I watched parts of his video “Made in Germany”.
The training part isn’t that good, but the stories around ar plain funny.


[quote]meddl wrote:
Markus R?hl had a Surgery one week before the contest. Maybe that has to do with that.

But this guy is really funny. I watched parts of his video “Made in Germany”.
The training part isn’t that good, but the stories around ar plain funny.


Listening to Ronnie talk is much funnier.

Ronnie wins? that make me disappointed.

i though Jay is better than Ronnie this time. he got better triceps, more cut in his mid-section & quads. and from the side chest pose, his hams look bigger than Ronnie’s. the only weak point of Jay is his chest.

another thing is the IFBB judges didn’t put bring down those distended stomach …all those thick mid-section: Dennis James(6th),Gustavo Badell(3rd),even Jay & Ronnie…and they make those small waist people down below 10th place:
Johnnie Jackson(11th),Chris Cormier(13th),David Henry(14th)…

WTF is going on in those judges mind??

hold up! yeah you right i said it! this site is a friggin" joke! Don’t you guys have anything better to do on your freetime than bullshit and dis other people who actually achieved something! alright it doesn’t matter, mope, whine and cry all you want, 'cause i’ll be too busy doing this!
see attached image

[quote]daniel_lamon wrote:
I liked the challenge round. It gave more money to the athletes, especially the ones who didn?t win. It was also good to have the pervious Mr. Olympia winners judge that round and give another view on who should win. Also the challenge round had no bearing on the final out come of the show so it not a supper big deal who won it. I know some will say that Ronnie is bigger than Gustavo and should automatically win but that is not the case. The pose down is all about comparing each contestants pose to the other competitors pose. As we all saw, Ronnie does not have the best side tricep pose and due to that fact he lost,? and should of lost? to Gustavo, who does have one of the best side triceps shots. Also when compared to the other top 4 competitors, Ronnie does not dominate them on all body parts. Jay has some of the best caves in the business, not Ronnie. Jay also won the best legs witch had cuts and striations all the way up them. Ronnie did not. Ronnie also doesn?t have the best mid-section or shoulder width of the top 4, the shoulder width going to Gunter. Ronnie does have the best back when comparing width and detail, not to mention very dry hamstrings and gluts. So all I am really saying is that the challenge round is a good because it gives the top 4 competitors additional money and shows off the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete. That is why it should stay![/quote]

Good points. Here is why I think the challenge round should go. The Top 5 were up there posing for nearly 30 minutes, this is extremely draining and dangerous for a very ripped/drained bodybuilder, anyone who has competed will tell you that being on stage under intense lights having to pose for long periods of time is not good at all, you could see it on all the competitors faces and to have it extremely unorganized to top it off only frustrates someone that is physically and mentally drained, for this it should go! Also, the deciding factor in the Challenge Round winner was a pose down between Gustavo and Ronnie (which Gustavo won) the pose down compares the bodybuilder as a whole, that means the overall best bodybuilder wins, so if Gustavo truly won, he also would have won the show, which he didn’t, so it was completely ridiculous!

What are some ideas that you think would make Bodybuilding better/more entertaining to draw more fans, money, and respect?

Where are the pics of Ruhl?

[quote]warriork wrote:
hold up! yeah you right i said it! this site is a friggin" joke! Don’t you guys have anything better to do on your freetime than bullshit and dis other people who actually achieved something! alright it doesn’t matter, mope, whine and cry all you want, 'cause i’ll be too busy doing this!
see attached image[/quote]

Where’s the image fucktard? Since you didn’t post one I’m assuming it’s a picture of you spanking it to your heroes Ronnie and Jay all oiled up in their speedos.

Hey slim jim, really like the use of fucktard, gunna be my name of the month for other fucktards i run across.

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Did Ronnie add another 40 lbs of lean muscle tissue this year again? What is he now? 400lbs, 1.5 % bodyfat :wink:

[quote]randman wrote:
Did Ronnie add another 40 lbs of lean muscle tissue this year again? What is he now? 400lbs, 1.5 % bodyfat ;)[/quote]

I wonder what his body-internal-organ percentage is?

He might have a world record.

[quote]D-Rock112 wrote:
What are some ideas that you think would make Bodybuilding better/more entertaining to draw more fans, money, and respect?[/quote]In terms of ‘fans’ I don’t think you would find many outside of this relatively little group of people who train with weights themselves, anyway.

More money comes from more viewers (more sponsors), but I fail to see how people who DON’T lift weights themselves would actually want to pay to see oiled-up roid-freaks in their speedos just standing there?!

As for ‘respect’…well, I guess I should stop here!

I don’t mean to offend anyone!

[quote]randman wrote:
Did Ronnie add another 40 lbs of lean muscle tissue this year again? What is he now? 400lbs, 1.5 % bodyfat ;)[/quote]

Actually, he apparently weighed about 20lbs less than the year previous.

[quote]slowlybutsurely wrote:
D-Rock112 wrote:
What are some ideas that you think would make Bodybuilding better/more entertaining to draw more fans, money, and respect?In terms of ‘fans’ I don’t think you would find many outside of this relatively little group of people who train with weights themselves, anyway.

More money comes from more viewers (more sponsors), but I fail to see how people who DON’T lift weights themselves would actually want to pay to see oiled-up roid-freaks in their speedos just standing there?!

As for ‘respect’…well, I guess I should stop here!

I don’t mean to offend anyone![/quote]

People watch Ms. America type contests quite a bit. It’s all in the marketing, you are right though, they definitely need more mass appeal, no pun intended!

[quote]Professor X wrote:
randman wrote:
Did Ronnie add another 40 lbs of lean muscle tissue this year again? What is he now? 400lbs, 1.5 % bodyfat :wink:

Actually, he apparently weighed about 20lbs less than the year previous. [/quote]

according to FLEX magazine, Ronnie is 275 pounds this year. and last year he was 296 pounds. so you’re right.

[quote]People watch Ms. America type contests quite a bit. It’s all in the marketing, you are right though, they definitely need more mass appeal, no pun intended![/quote]A Ms Something simply does not remind people of roids. I bet my dad not only finds BB’s uninterresting, but even offensive!

Most people understand golf, car racing and even powerlifting, with its use of shirts, suits and wraps. It’s about who runs faster than the rest, who outlifts the others, and who’s knight jumps who’s queen.

BB is by comparison nothing but a freak show, and when they don’t even use their muscles to lift things (which I think, at least, would have made SOME sense to people), I totally understand that most people find the whole thing quite stupid.


NB! I don’t mean to bash BB, I’m simply replying to the question above.

[quote]slowlybutsurely wrote:
People watch Ms. America type contests quite a bit. It’s all in the marketing, you are right though, they definitely need more mass appeal, no pun intended!A Ms Something simply does not remind people of roids. I bet my dad not only finds BB’s uninterresting, but even offensive!

Most people understand golf, car racing and even powerlifting, with its use of shirts, suits and wraps. It’s about who runs faster than the rest, who outlifts the others, and who’s knight jumps who’s queen.

BB is by comparison nothing but a freak show, and when they don’t even use their muscles to lift things (which I think, at least, would have made SOME sense to people), I totally understand that most people find the whole thing quite stupid.


Everything that is known was once unknown, they just need to find a way to get it there! Any suggestions, as you said people do not understand it, but people also like freakish things, so what would help it out?

I agree with Professor X. Ronnie is funny as hell. I’ve watched a few of his lifts in video and they are some of the funniest shit I’ve seen. He’s going around the gym, barking and screaming “light weight baaaaaaaby” over and over again. But regardless of what anyone says about Ronnie, I bet he’s the strongest bodybuilder at the Olympia. The video I saw of him, he was doing 750lb deadlifts for 4 reps and 800lb deadlifts for another couple reps. His squat was just as ridiculous, doing an 800lb squat for two reps.

The Real Deal at 13th. That says it all. No GH guts this year, and X-frames will be rewarded. Yeah, right.

The biggest gut I can find asthetic is Victor Martinez’s, anything bigger than that I don’t believe should belong in a BB show. Where was Melvin Anthony? 7th.

I can just imagine Lee Priest sitting at home enjoying a bucket of KFC watching the Mr O and laughing his head off.

I think the way to make the Mr Olympia more appealing is to split it into two different competitions:

  1. Mr Olympia: A show for bodybuilders like Melvin Anthony, Lee Priest, Chris Cormier, etc.

  2. Mr Freakia: A show for bodybuilders like Ronnie, Jay Cutler, Gunter, Markus, and the king of overhyped BBers, Gustavo Badell. Here they would be free to compare distended bellies, where points would actually be awarded to their guts according to the apparent month of gestation, so, say Gustavo looks like he’s 4 months pregnant; he gets 4 points for it.