It’s unclear whether Shawn or Heath will be on stage in September. We know Big Ramy won’t be there.
Both Shawn and Phil look in striking distance of stage condition so I wouldn’t exactly rule either out.
But it does look like the contest could be wide open this year. Brandon Curry has really come on this year, William Bonac has a shot and Roelly Winklaar might just have his time in the sun. Dexter has fallen off the pace in the last year but he is still winning pro shows and the door opening slightly for a second Mr O might create new found enthusiasm.
seems like I have seen ppl saying winkler always peaks to soon. Like he looks better in pics 2-3 weeks out than he does on stage. What’re your thoughts on that?
Seems like I saw a list of Olympia competitors and Rhoden was still in there recently I’ll try to find it.
Stopped by Arash’s place the other day,… at 5 weeks out, he looks as good if not better than when he was about 2- weeks out last year. Shredded glutes, feathering all over his legs, waist smaller than before…
But obviously while I try to always be objective with my friend (and Brad knows this!), I also keep an eye on other competitors and consider just how the level of Classic has gotten increasingly tougher every year since the division’s inception.
My understanding was that IFBB just say they are taking no action against him, but that it’s irrelevant since they don’t own the Mr Olympia show, AMI do. IFBB acting could remove his qualification to compete, so they could say no to him going, which they aren’t, but they don’t have the power to say yes to him going?
I have always been a fan of Dexter Jackson, but I don’t think he is going to have what it takes this year.
My bet would be for Curry, Winklaar (if he can hold his size), or Heath.