This will be my training log for the foreseeable future. I will record workouts and nutrition daily, measurements something like bi-weekly and progression pictures.
A little background on myself. I am currently a rising senior at Virginia Tech, pursuing a commission in the USMC. As such, my main focus for the next year will be to
- Increase metabolic conditioning
- Increase my score on the PFT to somewhere around 285 (which will comprise 20 dead hang pullups, 100 crunches in 2 minutes and a 3 mile run at around 20 minutes)
- Increase my limit strength in the deadlift, front squat, standing military press and barbell bench press
- Lean out while building a solid physique
My limiting factors at the moment are I cannot, and do not want to, exceed my weight limit for my height, that being a cap at 203 pounds. With all these training goals in mind, I have elected to begin the Wendler 5/3/1 program along with a Armstrong Pullup Program, as well as running on the road and sprinting on the track.
I recently completed the V-Diet, dropping 12 pounds of fat. I chose this for several reasons. I have trained very hard in the past, but a combination of lack of sleep and EXTREMELY poor diet (read as binge drinking Thursday-Saturday nights, 3 triple Whopper meals a week usually around midnight, you get the idea) had me stuck in a rut. The V-Diet really helped me focus on controlling what I eat, and I saw results. It was as much a diet as a ‘life-hack’. Now I am as focused as I have ever been, well read on diet and exercise and ready to make some real gains this coming year of training.
Breakfast- 4 whole eggs scrambled with half a cup of mushrooms, Flameout cap, cup of milk, 2 HOT-ROX
Snack- 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 1 scoop Biotest L-Leucine, Flameout cap
Lunch- 2 cups plain yogurt, half cup blueberries, 1 apple, two string cheeses (I had no meat in the fridge today, which kinda pissed me off) Flameout cap, 2 HOT-ROX
Dinner- Eggpland Parmesan- about 3/4 of an eggplant total, Flameout cap
Pre-Bed- 2 scoops Metabolic Drive, 1 scoop Biotest L-Leucine
Note: I need to dial this diet in, so this week will be my ‘train up’ so to speak.
Yesterday- Ran a 3.5 mile road course in 27 minutes. Sucked something fierce as I haven’t ran in 5 weeks, plus ya gotta love that Virginia humidity!
Armstrong Pullups Plan- Day 1- 12,7,8,6,5 pullups w/90 second rest intervals
Standing Military Press- 5x95 5x105 5x120
Delt Triad- 3x10 sets of Seated Lateral raises/Front Raises/Shoulder press @ 15 pounds (light weight but killer after the military presses)
Seated Cable Rows- 10x100, 10x120, 10x120