First of all, I’m not even sure I’m in the right section. I am not, so far, a “strong woman.” I’m not afraid to lift heavy and I don’t believe that I will magically turn into a man if I lift more than 20 pounds of anything, but I am currently so out of shape, it’s sad.
I weigh 141.8 pounds.
I’m 35 years old.
I’m taller than 5’5", but not quite 5’6".
Over the course of several years, I have lifted off and on. The only thing I’ve ever been consistent with is my inconsistency. I oscillate like one of those “Cool Breeze” fans. I get all hot to trot on a workout schedule, keep it up for a while and then BAM! Donzo. And I go back to either starving myself (which we all know causes muscle loss, saggy everything. . .shit I’m trying to avoid) or stuffing myself with food. Or I’ll obsess over the food. Last year, I spent six months only eating raw vegetables and fruit. No meat. I lost a lot of weight, but when I crept back into eating like an average (crappy eater) person, the fat came back with a vengeance. So this is where I am right now. It is not where I want to be.
Last week, after seeing pictures of myself at my brother’s wedding, I decided that I needed to start on a program that a) I could stick to; b) didn’t bore the shit out of me and c) didn’t have me in the gym 7 days a week. I found that Wet Wolf article on “Kiss Body Building Workouts Goodbye.”
I just finished my first week of it and I was sore in places that I didn’t know I had. I was stronger than I thought I would be, after being inactive for so long, but I really enjoyed it.
The scale was the same today as it was last Saturday. I was a little disappointed about that, but whatever. It’s only my first week and I did some of the exercises wrong/out of order.
Assisted Chin Ups: 5x5 I can do 2 of them completely unassisted, so for every set, I did 2 unassisted, 3 assisted.
Front Squats: 5x5 20lbs loaded on an EZ curl bar. I might’ve gone heavier, but hadn’t done them in so long, I was a little timid about it.
Standing DB Shoulder Press: 5x5 25lb DB’s. I liked that one.
Single Leg DL: 30lbs DB in each hand. Ouch. I am a wimp. It hurt like hell and my legs were DONE by the last two sets.
I somehow got the order of the exercises wrong. I did the following:
LI DB Press SS w/ Single arm DB Row 9x3 (25lb and 30lb Dbs respectively)
DB Split Squat SS w/ Sumo Deads 9x3 (25lb DBs in each hand and 70lb loaded on an EZ curl bar, respectively.)
Crocs: 9 Room lengths. (DO NOT LIKE THESE. OUCH.)
Single Leg Squat 20x2: Much to my chagrin, I could not complete 20 in quick succession on each leg. I did 20 then 12. I don’t know what was wrong with me. My legs just gave out. QUESTION FOR ANYONE READING THIS: Would it be better to stop at failure or should I complete the reps regardless of whether I have to stop?
SS w/ Bodyweight Row. Same problem. Could not compete 20 reps!
Steep Angle Push Up 20 x 2 SS w/ Single Leg Bridge 20x2.
ANOTHER QUESTION My sister in law wants me to run a 5K with her in January. So, I decided to run on the days I’m not working out. I know that W.W.'s program says “no non-prescribed cardio,” so does anyone have any thoughts on what I should do about that? I ran 2 miles on Tuesday and 2 on Thursday. I hope that’s ok.
It seems like a lot of work and nothing moved on the scale. My eating isn’t quite on track, however, I can guarantee you that if I did anything, it was UNDER-eat. I did not have any garbage at all last week and what I did eat, I did NOT eat much of. (Believe me, I’m the first to admit it when I eat too much.) I have to put the scale out of my mind this week, though. I really do.
Anyway, today is a rest day for me. It’s hard because I FEEL like going to workout. I really do. But I’m forcing myself to sit tight, do housework, start this log to perhaps make me accountable; to stay on an even keel.
Any thoughts/ideas/answer to my two questions above are appreciated!