Seriously, out of curiosity and hopefully some inspiration, what motivates you guys and/or inspires you to stay dedicated to a diet or make true life changes. I hear making the initial choice to change or to diet is the hardest part. Well thats where im at. Im truly getting tired of having teens body fat percentages, id love to be in that 10% or single digit area. any input would be BA!
Anyone of these motivates us all. If not you’re lying to yourself.
Being more fit that then the people I do business with, is a must. Total confidence booster too.
I used to work out with a MD who did autopsies. He checked out my girl friend one day, and said ‘I know why you work out’.
He was right. He worked out becuase he worked daily on people who did not work out.
This whole thing is about being healthy. Healthy and happy are good.
Being more fit that then the people I do business with, is a must. Total confidence booster too.
I used to work out with a MD who did autopsies. He checked out my girl friend one day, and said ‘I know why you work out’.
He was right. He worked out becuase he worked daily on people who did not work out.
This whole thing is about being healthy. Healthy and happy are good.
Well, I’m munchin’ on some mike & ikes right now. And I’m looking down at a growing gut, so that’s a pretty big motivator. I do it all the time, eat clean for two or three weeks then crash and burn.
[quote]riverhawk23 wrote:
Anyone of these motivates us all. If not you’re lying to yourself.[/quote]
lol that does help a significant amount but where i work its a full on sausage fest with a splash of grandmas and female heavy weights!
I think the real challenge is to find “motivation” that isn’t derived from selfishness or the desire to gain something for oneself.
At one point in my life I was extremely motivated, but it was all based on trying to make people think a certain way about me… So far, the best reason I can find to train and diet hard and push yourself is “just because you can.”
I think it’s really important to be honest with yourself.
Motivation? If I want to acheive something I’ll work to acheive, I don’t need any motivation other than I WANT THIS.
Try being a fat kid in high school and you’ll find out.
But seriously, it took me YEARS to change my eating habits. It started gradually cutting out sodas, then adding protein shakes, then cutting fast food, etc. At this point I just like the taste of clean foods. I know I can eat more of them, and get full, and they are still tasty. Do I think ice cream tastes better than cottage cheese, blueberries, and splenda. Well, actually not much anymore, but I know I can eat a hell of a lot more of the latter.
Also, unfortunately, doing it so that you will get compliments doesn’t seem to work, but it feels fucking great when people that you haven’t seen since high school say, “wow, I didn’t even recognize you”.
For me though, I had to honestly get pissed at myself to make any changes.
No one on an internet forum is going to motivate you. You’ve already set yourself up for failure. Just do it.
When one of my friends said she didn’t feel like trying to lose weight anymore because it was just too hard I said “Ok, then in a couple years when you’re still unhappy about how you look at feel you can say “Wow, i wish I had’ve stuck with it, because now I’d be in great shape””.
This guy just asked why someone would be motivated to have less fat on them or why one would be annoyed with himself for getting too fat.
Finding out I was over 330lbs. Finally seeing it on the scales was humbling.
10 months later i’m down 115, but still 30 more to go.
I now have a great girl, a getting there body and a great social life in the place of pizza and full fat soda and PS3. I know which i’d rather have, never giving it up now, I dont want to go back.
[quote]markdp wrote:
Try being a fat kid in high school and you’ll find out.
…it feels fucking great when people that you haven’t seen since high school say, “wow, I didn’t even recognize you”.
This ^
And results are nice too.
simply seeing gains in muscle or fat loss gets me fuckin pumped lol and makes me wanna work harder!
[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
This guy just asked why someone would be motivated to have less fat on them or why one would be annoyed with himself for getting too fat. [/quote]
To OP: diet is way simpler than people make it out to be. Get a decent one, write it down, stick to it for 1 month, and you’ll be pretty much good to go, as having had some results you’ll have a taste for more.
You simply need to be honest with yourself though. You say you’re “sick of teen bodyfat” or some such, and you want “to be 10% or less” or something along those lines. Clearly, until you actually take steps to do it, you prefer being teen bodyfat and eating crap to eating clean and being sub-10; else you’d have done it ages ago. Your motivation problem is simply not wanting it enough. That’s your choice though, nobody else can help you with that.